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Full Time Side Gigs At Parttimerz



The nature of today’s economy is such that the 9-to-5 jobs typical to previous working generations are quickly and surely giving way to careers that are a lot more amorphous – the gig economy, especially, has resulted in a new generation of workers who are adapting to new norms such as working on-the-move, whenever they like, on projects of their own choosing. One reason is that jobs in the old economy are harder to come by; this transition is also fuelled by the growth of freelance job matching platforms, such as the recently launched Parttimerz.

Freelance job matching platforms essentially connect those who are looking for freelance work with those who require such workers. The main difference between Parttimerz and others of its ilk is that it has a gamification component that rewards top-performing freelancers while penalizing those who do not perform to expectations. The idea is to bridge the gap between a client’s work requirements and the quality of service from freelance work providers – after all, just because it’s a freelance, part-time gig doesn’t mean work completed should be shoddy.

Unlike other job-matching sites Parttimerz does not work on a bidding system where freelancers are encouraged to bid low for a job in order to secure it. The trouble with that model is that it fosters a lack of motivation – it is hard to encourage good work when financial return is not based on merit. To that end, Parttimerz does not charge freelancers for jobs they take up and complete on the site. An interesting value-add on the site for freelancers is that it provides quarterly reviews to freelancers and guides them on areas of improvement; this performance review is used to incentivize top ranking performers who are actually given an extra quarterly payout given by the site.

That quarterly review is also a double-edged sword, in that it weeds out poorly performing freelancers to ensure that clients are assured of the best gig workers money can buy. This of course works out for both the freelancer as well as the client; the client gets motivated workers who are looking to do their best work to obtain a bigger financial payoff.

“We want to empower people at large from all walks for life to better themselves and ultimately become self-dependent; we want to give people the freedom of choice so that they can decide for themselves what is it they want to do, how, when an in exchange for pay they believe is fair, provided of course they always deliver premium quality of service to our invaluable clients, for quality of service is something we can’t and won’t ever compromise on,” says Dzenan Skulj, co-founder and CEO of Parttimerz.

Interested freelancers or business owners can simply sign up for an account at Parttimerz. The online web platform allows members to collaborate with each other in real-time in order to find the best matches for their needs, whether it is to look for adequate freelancers to hire or offer their professional services in response to a relevant job post.