Next-generation web

I am out in the Bay area the next couple of days but unfortunately will not be at Web 2.0.  That being said, I suggest staying up-to-date on next-generation web applications and services through Emily Chang’s eHub.  It is great to see all of the innovation out there but we must remember while it takes much less to build an application and get it out to the masses, the barriers to entry are much lower.  All it takes is one to two smart programmers to get a rich product in the market and as you dig into eHub it is quite obvious that there are several categories with 3 or 4 players in them already (not including what Yahoo, Google, and others are doing).

Published by Ed Sim

founder boldstart ventures, over 20 years experience seeding and leading first rounds in enterprise startups, @boldstartvc, googlization of IT, SaaS 3.0, security, smart data; cherish family time + enjoy lacrosse + hockey

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