Home Events & Happenings AppHACK Singapore 2013 by AngelHack

[Singapore][Event] AppHACK Singapore 2013 by AngelHack


The Singapore chapter of AngelHack – the largest global startup competition and series of hackathons in the world – will be organizing AppHack Singapore 2013, which looks to gather over 150 Singapore-based software developers and entrepreneurs together where they will create great mobile applications over the span of just 24 hours.

To be held at the offices of Microsoft Singapore on 23-24 November, AngelHack Singapore aims to get various judges from Silicon Valley to judge the competition, where the overall winner of AppHack Singapore 2013 will get accepted into AngelHack’s global pre-accelerator program, HACKcelerator. In the program, top hackathon teams get support to turn their hacks into market-ready products.