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Clever Ways to Keep Your Remote Team Invested in Their Work


The concept of remote work is not new, but companies have embraced it more with the recent COVID-19 pandemic to avoid losing their relevance. Remote work has been said to promote a better work-life balance and save on commuting costs. However, companies face the struggle of creating an engaging culture to keep teams invested due to the loss of face-to-face interaction.

Use the following clever ways to engage your remote teams and keep them motivated.

Schedule regular virtual meetings

Communication is vital in remote work because you don’t get to see each other in the office daily like before. With the growth of internet connectivity and technology, take advantage of the free or affordable digital platforms to be in constant communication with employees. Hold regular virtual events and meetings via remote meeting software like Zoom, Skype, and Google Hangouts.

Unlike phone calls, virtual meetings and events give employees a feeling of normalcy when interacting with colleagues. Employees feel more connected, valued and ultimately become more invested in work.

Spark creativity

Working from home doesn’t mean you can’t get creative. You must maintain a level of informality and have fun with colleagues to avoid getting bored while working. Spark creativity by setting up group competitions and games. Contest for things like who has the best home office setup or even the most delicious-looking dinner. Creating a fun working environment brings about infinite possibilities of healthy relationships between colleagues and boosts motivation and productivity.

Provide essential tools

Adjusting to the remote work setting is already a challenge; falling short of equipment makes it even more challenging for employees to perform responsibilities in good time. As a result, they become less invested in their work and lower productivity. Equip your remote team with the right tools like fast WIFI connection, communication tools, and time tracking equipment to prevent workflow interruptions.

Use motivation survey tools

Many survey tools can help you gauge how motivated your employees are when working remotely. Create a questionnaire that asks probing questions about their current working set and how it’s affecting their work. Using survey tools is an effort that signals to your employees that you still care about them even when they are no longer working in the office.

Please encourage them to be honest and hold one-on-one discussions after the survey depending on the results.

Provide regular training

Training and development programs are essential in providing your remote teams with the skills they need. These also function as team-building opportunities, especially when members don’t know each other or meet often. The virtual way of doing things is new to many people, and training programs can help bring them up to speed. When your team knows how to navigate technology, they become more invested in their work because they are more confident.

Bottom line

Remote working is the new norm in the modern workplace, and companies must find ways to keep remote teams invested in their work for maximum productivity. Leverage technology to maintain constant communication, provide regular training, and provide essential tools. Spark creativity in the workplace to eliminate boredom and use survey tools to gauge employees’ motivation.