Home Others Creating The Office Of Your Dreams – It’s Easier Than You Think

Creating The Office Of Your Dreams – It’s Easier Than You Think


So, you’ve taken the big step of starting your own business. You’ve got the big idea, you’ve got the research to back it up, maybe an investor, or maybe just the confidence to go it alone and smash everyone’s expectations. But if you’re going to be a success, you’re going to need the best working environment possible. That means being somewhere that will boost your productivity, encourage you to work hard and somewhere you enjoy spending your time, after all – you’re going to be there a lot!

So, read on for some handy tips and creative ideas of how you can create the office of your dreams!

The location.

If you have the luxury of being able to rent a property for your business needs then the choice might seem a little overwhelming. The main things to consider are the commute to the office in question, the modernity of the building (the last thing you need is faulty electrics or plumbing when you’re trying to build an empire) and whether or not it can accommodate your needs. Offices to rent in Teddington for example are proving popular for companies who want the network capabilities of London on their doorstep but also want a pleasant and more tranquil working environment at their disposal. It’s all about finding balance. You’ll know which space is right for you when you see it. Just remember that this is somewhere you’re going to be spending a lot of your time, so make sure you’re happy with it and exhausted all other options before you sign on the dotted line.

Your office space will influence you, your workforce and any potential clients or customers. Choose wisely.

Closed cubicles or open plan?

If you’re planning on employing several people to help your business grow, of if this is something you’ll need to think about further down the line, then the age old debate of open plan vs closed cubicles is something you’ll need to look into. Personally, I believe that this is a subjective topic which completely depends on the work you’re trying to achieve.

If you’re working in a creative environment that needs group discussions, input from different teams or if you just prefer everyone to mix and mingle in the hop of creating a positive working environment, then open plan is for you. If your work requires a steady hand, a sense of professionalism or study then maybe closed cubicles might be more appropriate.

Don’t forget a little colour.

We’ve all worked in offices that have been battleship grey throughout, beige and definitely bland. Most office designers would recommend some sort of colour scheme if not to boost everyone’s mood but also to give your place of work a little identity. There’s nothing wrong with a magnolia wall, but why not add your company logo in large wall graphics to make it identifiable and give everyone a sense of identity while they work.

It’ll also give you a great sense of pride.