Who can build the marketing machine?

This is just a theory, but it feels to me that there's a talent gap in the marketing space--or a few of them.

To begin with, there seems to be a serious shortage of customer acquisition experts--particularly given how hot subscription services have gotten.  Fab.com (First Round portfolio company) just announced a new round of funding and that they reached 350,000 subscribers.  Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of folks out there that can help a new company build up that kind of subscriber base cost effectively (if you can, contact me charlie@firstround.com).  If you are in marketing right now, or a student thinking about it, an *instant* way to get a job is to build up customer acquisition skills.  Show that you know how to target, acquire, and profitably build up a subscription customer base, all while tracking the right metrics, and *boom* you're hired. 

Secondly, agencies and big companies seem to have caused a management gap on the marketing side as well.  People have gotten so specialized, that we have people doing nothing but community management, SEO/SEM, PR, etc.   This basically makes them completely unusable as the first marketing employee of a startup--which would be a terrific job for an up and coming marketer.  Unfortunately, in that job, you need to be able to lay out a strategy across all these verticals, and build a machine that makes it work--not to mention rolling up your sleeves a little bit in each area to get the flywheel going before you turn it over to a junior team that you hire.  From what I can tell, there are few senior folks in management positions at big companies and agencies that are willing/able to do this.  Where are the strategically thinking marketing generalists who can also execute each of the tasks--maybe not at an expert level in each, but enough to get the job done well enough to turn it over to a specialist as the company scales?  This is a startup's first Director of Marketing and there are a ton of openings in this area.

I sat down with a super smart marketer who has been a little bit pigeon holed in social media, but is capable of a lot more.  I asked her about who her peer group was--who she has smart conversations about audience development, customer acquisition, metrics, etc--and she was at a loss.  In New York City, that just shouldn't happen.

Who can build the marketing machine?

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