
Priming your Audience with Targeted Ads with Mercer

Are you sending the right ad to the right person at the right time?

In this video, Mercer talks about the funnel BEFORE the funnel. He uses his “Behavioral Funnel” technique to build custom audiences for Facebook and LinkedIn along with Google Analytics events to prime customers at the stages before becoming a lead. If you aren’t using Google Tag Manager, now is the time to start!


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About The Pe:p Show

The Pe:p Show is a series of short and to the point videos. Topics that I’m covering go way past conversion stuff – it’s about optimizing all the things: your life, health, relationships, work, and business. I will also be interviewing industry peers on various topics like digital marketing, growth hacking, and more.

Current article:

Priming your Audience with Targeted Ads with Mercer
