Why should your CEO blog?

Why should your CEO blog

CEO blogging is a concept which has caught on globally like wildfire. These blogs are written and maintained by the CEO of the company as the name suggests but can be on a variation of topics ranging from problems the company solves to tips and suggestions for the customers.

Having a blog as a CEO brings in the following benefits:

1. Adds value

Because this blog is written by a CEO who is at a credible position and not by some content writers, the blog holds unbelievable value. People reading and following the blog know that whatever they are reading comes with experience which makes it a valuable and enriching source of information and knowledge.

2. Credibility

The CEO is the most credible person of the company and his blog adds immense credibility to whatever is to be conveyed to the readers. The information given out on a CEO blog about a company is coming from a trusted and verifiable source which makes it more appealing to the followers.

3. Helps media make statements

Instead of relying on garbled sources, the media can now rely on statements issued by you on a public forum to base their news on. This makes sure that all the news that goes out is verified and exactly what you want it to be. Moreover, if any news is incorrect, you are in a position to help people know the correct events.

4. Great Public relation tool

The CEO blog can serve as a brilliant tool for public relations as you can gain followers by posting engaging and informative content. Also, once your blog is popular, you can use it to control any form of damage or as a medium for publicity for new launches.

5. Build a symbiotic relationship

This blog allows you to interact with your customers directly and build an engaging and lasting relationship with them. This is necessary and beneficial as you can be aware of what the customers want and the shortcomings of your company. Getting a public point of view is necessary for your business to grow.