
Job Search: What Job Should You Take? (Not an Easy One)

Do you want to maximize your growth potential? If you are looking for a new job, do you know which job you should take? Definitely, not the easy one. In this video, I give you my reasons why you should not take the next “easy job” and what to look for during your job search.


you're<00:00:00.179> trying<00:00:00.390> to<00:00:00.480> find<00:00:00.659> a<00:00:00.750> job<00:00:00.960> but<00:00:01.199> what
you're trying to find a job but what you're trying to find a job but what kind<00:00:01.680> of<00:00:01.709> a<00:00:01.829> job<00:00:02.010> should<00:00:02.429> you<00:00:02.550> take<00:00:06.830> when kind of a job should you take when kind of a job should you take when deciding<00:00:08.189> over<00:00:08.700> this<00:00:08.910> job<00:00:09.269> or<00:00:09.480> this<00:00:09.570> other<00:00:09.780> job deciding over this job or this other job deciding over this job or this other job you<00:00:10.440> have<00:00:10.740> all<00:00:10.860> these<00:00:10.980> opportunities<00:00:11.190> in you have all these opportunities in you have all these opportunities in front<00:00:11.670> of<00:00:11.910> you<00:00:12.030> you<00:00:12.780> know<00:00:12.870> which<00:00:13.049> path<00:00:13.259> should front of you you know which path should front of you you know which path should you<00:00:13.830> go<00:00:14.790> for<00:00:14.820> I<00:00:15.210> think<00:00:15.750> you<00:00:16.470> should<00:00:16.740> choose<00:00:17.100> a you go for I think you should choose a you go for I think you should choose a job<00:00:17.609> that<00:00:18.510> gives<00:00:18.990> you<00:00:19.199> the<00:00:19.410> most job that gives you the most job that gives you the most responsibility<00:00:21.150> because<00:00:22.109> that<00:00:22.320> means<00:00:22.560> growth responsibility because that means growth responsibility because that means growth jump<00:00:23.580> in<00:00:23.850> somewhere<00:00:24.240> where<00:00:24.359> the<00:00:24.480> work<00:00:24.689> is<00:00:24.869> hard jump in somewhere where the work is hard jump in somewhere where the work is hard where<00:00:25.439> it's<00:00:25.529> complicate<00:00:26.039> and<00:00:26.789> you<00:00:27.660> don't<00:00:27.869> even where it's complicate and you don't even where it's complicate and you don't even know<00:00:28.320> what<00:00:28.560> you're<00:00:28.710> really<00:00:28.859> doing<00:00:28.980> I<00:00:29.400> mean<00:00:29.519> you know what you're really doing I mean you know what you're really doing I mean you need<00:00:29.849> to<00:00:29.970> have<00:00:30.090> some<00:00:30.269> base<00:00:30.449> level<00:00:30.480> of<00:00:30.779> skills need to have some base level of skills need to have some base level of skills but<00:00:31.289> a<00:00:31.470> place<00:00:32.250> where<00:00:32.489> you<00:00:32.669> can<00:00:32.910> really<00:00:33.480> push but a place where you can really push but a place where you can really push yourself<00:00:34.079> and<00:00:34.230> grow<00:00:34.410> up<00:00:34.530> if<00:00:34.649> you<00:00:34.770> don't<00:00:34.950> want yourself and grow up if you don't want yourself and grow up if you don't want to<00:00:35.160> go<00:00:35.309> to<00:00:35.370> a<00:00:35.520> place<00:00:35.730> where<00:00:35.760> it's<00:00:36.059> gonna<00:00:36.180> be to go to a place where it's gonna be to go to a place where it's gonna be easy<00:00:36.780> you're<00:00:37.410> not<00:00:37.559> gonna<00:00:37.739> grow<00:00:37.950> you're<00:00:38.219> gonna easy you're not gonna grow you're gonna easy you're not gonna grow you're gonna be<00:00:38.520> stuck<00:00:38.879> in<00:00:38.910> that<00:00:39.300> easy<00:00:39.899> job<00:00:40.320> for<00:00:40.559> a<00:00:40.590> long be stuck in that easy job for a long be stuck in that easy job for a long long<00:00:41.160> long<00:00:41.340> time<00:00:41.399> so<00:00:41.790> you<00:00:41.879> want<00:00:42.120> a<00:00:42.239> lot<00:00:42.390> of long long time so you want a lot of long long time so you want a lot of responsibility<00:00:43.520> freedom<00:00:44.520> to<00:00:44.789> do<00:00:44.940> stuff<00:00:45.300> to responsibility freedom to do stuff to responsibility freedom to do stuff to try<00:00:46.070> in<00:00:47.070> a<00:00:47.129> culture<00:00:47.489> of<00:00:47.520> experimentation<00:00:47.789> if try in a culture of experimentation if try in a culture of experimentation if that<00:00:48.750> is<00:00:48.870> place<00:00:49.170> where<00:00:49.469> you<00:00:49.559> can<00:00:49.739> try<00:00:49.950> out that is place where you can try out that is place where you can try out things<00:00:50.430> and<00:00:50.700> and<00:00:50.940> you<00:00:51.629> don't<00:00:51.870> get<00:00:52.050> burned<00:00:52.350> for things and and you don't get burned for things and and you don't get burned for you<00:00:53.309> know<00:00:53.430> failing<00:00:53.789> at<00:00:53.910> some<00:00:54.120> experiments you know failing at some experiments you know failing at some experiments especially<00:00:55.020> when<00:00:55.620> you<00:00:55.710> were<00:00:55.800> young especially when you were young especially when you were young especially<00:00:56.760> when<00:00:57.210> you<00:00:57.510> don't<00:00:57.660> have<00:00:57.899> you<00:00:58.140> know especially when you don't have you know especially when you don't have you know kids<00:00:58.559> to<00:00:58.770> feed<00:00:58.980> and<00:00:59.250> so<00:00:59.430> on<00:00:59.640> where<00:00:59.879> you<00:00:59.940> can kids to feed and so on where you can kids to feed and so on where you can take<00:01:00.329> risks<00:01:00.719> you<00:01:00.870> know<00:01:01.320> sure<00:01:01.530> all<00:01:01.739> we<00:01:01.949> all<00:01:02.100> care take risks you know sure all we all care take risks you know sure all we all care about<00:01:02.370> money<00:01:02.899> but<00:01:04.040> value<00:01:05.040> the<00:01:05.430> experience<00:01:05.820> the about money but value the experience the about money but value the experience the growth<00:01:06.720> the<00:01:07.530> responsibility<00:01:08.490> you<00:01:08.520> can<00:01:08.850> get growth the responsibility you can get growth the responsibility you can get more<00:01:09.930> than<00:01:10.320> anything<00:01:10.890> else


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About The Pe:p Show

The Pe:p Show is a series of short and to the point videos. Topics that I’m covering go way past conversion stuff – it’s about optimizing all the things: your life, health, relationships, work, and business. I will also be interviewing industry peers on various topics like digital marketing, growth hacking, and more.

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Job Search: What Job Should You Take? (Not an Easy One)
