Home Others Customer Appreciation Ideas To Keep Existing Customers Happy

Customer Appreciation Ideas To Keep Existing Customers Happy


Most business owners are aware that no matter what industry you’re in it’s your clients/customers that ultimately determine your success. Unfortunately, however, most entrepreneurs fail to realize the importance of showing their appreciation. More than giving great products and services, brands must do more to let their customers know they really appreciate their business. The more appreciated a customer feels, the more inclined they are to continue working with your brand – and sending others your way.

Making your clients or customers feel valued is imperative to your success. Here are just a few ways you can give thanks to those that support your brand:

Loyalty Programs.

You can let customers know that you’re appreciative of their business by starting a loyalty program that comes with rewards attached. When customers purchase products or services from your company, these purchases can be turned into points which at some point can be redeemed for something free.

Free Corporate Gifts.

Gifts are one of the most common forms of showing thanks. To show how grateful you are for your clients, you might consider handing out corporate gifts. Turkey or ham vouchers, for instance, around the holidays is a great idea. It saves them money on their holiday expenses and is an item that certainly won’t go to waste.

Picnics or Outings.

Face to face meetings is always great. It gives your customers a chance to put a face to the brand name. It also shows that they’re important enough to you for you to take time out of your day to meet with them. You can take this one step further and host a picnic or outing in which you invite your most loyal customers to attend for free. Something as simple as a hot dog or a hamburger and a few moments of your time can go a long way to cultivating lasting relationships.

Social Media Features.

Social media is all the craze these days and is one of the more common methods used for marketing and interacting with customers. Small businesses can take advantage of this free platform and broadcast their appreciation. Going beyond a typical post, business owners can select a customer to feature each month to give thanks. Posting a picture and a small note of appreciation allows them to be in the spotlight even if only for a moment.

Exclusive Sneak Peeks or Sales.

What better way to say you’re valued than to host exclusive sneak peeks or sales to your most loyal customers? Opening the business before or after hours and allowing them to get the first look and the first opportunity for purchase makes them feel special.

Birthday Gifts.

Instead of sending a traditional happy birthday email or card in the mail make your customers feel special by offering them a gift. This gift could be a free promotional product, a coupon, an exclusive discount, or some other gift of your choosing.

Candy, Coffee, Water.

It seems simple, but it lets your clients know that you appreciate them and their time. Having things like candy bowls out in the reception area along with beverage options like water, coffee, and tea is a small but impressive token of appreciation.

Quality Customer Service.

Last, but certainly not least, to thank your clients or customers you must provide outstanding service. Answering their questions, following-up on their concerns, and ensuring their needs are met is the ultimate thanks.

There’s a lot of information out there about how to attract customers to your startup, but keeping them is equally important. Loyal customers are the foundation of your business and greatly impact your bottom line. If you want to ensure that you remain a success it is imperative that you go above and beyond to give thanks to those that help you get there. The above-mentioned ideas are all affordable and easy to implement and will certainly help to develop a deeper connection between you and your customers.