Tyler Durden’s take on mobile marketing #FightClub

Ok, so maybe its not directly Tyler Durden’s (one of the greatest characters in movie history!) take on mobile marketing, but hey, I get points for including a Fight Club reference in my most recent MediaPost article right?!

In the article, which I talk about the idea of mobile as a single-serve medium (in some cases anyway, not in all cases), much the same way in Fight Club Edward Norton’s character talks about single-serve friends.  And before I get a bunch of “Edward Norton didn’t play Tyler Durden” comments, spoiler, he technically did.  Think about it.

You can read the piece here.  I’d love some thoughts on what others think about my premise, whether or not I’m off my rocker and most importantly, does Fight Club make your top ten movie list?


  1. Thomas L. Strickland on April 12, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    When we founded North Fulton Drama Club (https://www.northfultondramaclub.org/wordpress/), we were hitting two notes with the name.

    One, that scrappy collaborative feeling that drives a barely sanctioned drama club in a high school.

    Two, we were referencing Fight Club. We founded our company under the belief that community theater could be done and done well without developing the in-fighting and cliques (interpersonal “drama”) that plague so many. And so, we’ve a set of rules. The list has grown with each season as we learn more and more, but the first two have never changed:

    The first rule of Drama Club is there is no “drama” in Drama Club.
    The second rule of Drama Club is there is NO “drama” in Drama Club.

    So yeah. Fight Club? Definitely a top ten.

  2. @TonyKinard on April 12, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    With regard to the “idea of mobile as a single-serve medium”, I agree but I think you might be remiss in explaining how such a medium plays in the entire picture. Kind of like talking about a snow flake without mentioning the larger concept of snow. I see it this way: in the past, marketing and advertising had only a few channels/mediums with which to serve marketing in large chunks (comparatively). Today, there are a vast array of “engagement points” (such as via mobile) to serve small ‘single serve’ pieces of an overall campaign or ongoing relationship (brand, service, etc). So today, instead of tossing buckets of marketing here and there, we have the ability to strategically spread things out into gentler, bite sized engagement experiences that can possibly make up a blanketing (like snow) of ongoing experience.

  3. Jeff Hilimire on April 13, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Nice, using Fight Club to guide a Drama Club mission. I love it!

  4. Jeff Hilimire on April 13, 2011 at 11:04 am

    Ah, looks like you are on the verge of writing a blog post with this rebuttal. I look forward to reading that ;)

  5. @TonyKinard on April 13, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    Aaah. I feel like I’m always on the verge of writing a blog. At any given time, I’ve got several in the queue that I’ve pretty much written out in my head, but it’s finding the time and discipline to get it digitized that’s the hard part. ;)

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