Home Others Ten Tips For Your Next Law Conference

Ten Tips For Your Next Law Conference


Businesswoman Addressing Delegates At Conference

If you’re keen on keeping up to date with the latest in law and on making strong connections through networking with fellow peers, then the best way to do this is by attending law conferences. There are a number of notable conferences that happen across the US & Canada each year, but you want to make sure you pick the right ones for you so that you can gain the most out of each trip.

We recently spoke with a Vancouver personal injury law firm to get their tips and tricks on getting the most out of each conference. Some of the tips really surprised us, so we hope they are able to help you in upping your game at each conference. Here are some must know tips for your next conference: 

1. Ask Questions.

It’s a good thing to be the person who is always asking questions during a conference. This shows a strong growth mindset and will help to set you a part from others as someone who is there to make things happen. Of course, don’t ask questions simply to ask them, but if there are points of confusion your things you would like elaborated, be sure to ask questions either during the panel or after.

2. Bring A Peer. 

Bringing a fellow peer along with you will help you to reflect on the conference after and can help push you to be more active during the conference. This reflection is key to putting your newly gained knowledge in stone so that you’re much less likely to forget it. Plus, it’s always nice to be there with someone you already know, just don’t let this distract you from networking. 

3. Take Notes Using Evernote. 

Evernote may be the best app ever created outside of Angry Birds. Write down any thought-provoking material during your panels and events so that you don’t forget them in the information blast that conferences often provide.

4. Learn How To Introduce Yourself Quickly. 

You’ll be meeting a lot of people, so don’t drone on about yourself for two minutes on the first encounter with someone. It will bore them and you quickly. Practice introducing yourself in one sentence. This is a difficult task due to the many hats we often wear in life, but if a strong connection is made, elaboration can take place later. For now, just focus on connecting with as many people as possible

5. Appear Like You Want To Be Approached.

Show the world that you want to be approached. Don’t shut yourself off from the world by wearing headphones and keeping a tight lip. Focus on your body language to show you are ready to meet people.

6. Stay At The Designated Hotel. 

A lot of connections are made at the hotel, whether at the bar or simply in the elevator. By staying in a different hotel you are potentially losing out on a number of connections that could prove useful and valuable later on. Even if there is a hotel you’d rather stay at a block away, just stick to the designated hotel and make life easier to connect with others. 

7. Thank Those Who Ran The Conference.

If you have the chance, find and meet the people who put the conference together. These can be valuable connections to make and it will make the people who ran the conference feel appreciated as it is a lot of hard work to pull one together.

8. Know The Whole Agenda. 

Whether on the plane or the morning of, take the time to learn the whole agenda for the conference and where the events are located that you wish to attend. This will help you to prepare by creating a physical or mental list of things you absolutely must see, the things you’d like to see, and the things you might see if you have the time. Learning where each is held will let you know if you need to rush or not to get to it from point A to point B.

9. Bring Your Business Cards.

Hand out as many business cards as possible during your stay at the conference so people can connect with you. 

10. Follow Up. 

Collect others business cards as well and take some time out of your schedule in the following one or two weeks to follow up with them to solidify the new relationships. One of the main points of a conference is to network, so skipping this crucial step will diminish the value of your conference visit. 

Make the most of your conference stays by following these useful tips. Conferences are fun, but also exhausting events to attend, so be prepared by planning ahead and knowing what to expect.