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How Is Construction Insurance Different From Other Insurance Types?


Insurance is a necessity regardless of what sort of business you may find yourself in. Verisk mentions that about 40% of small businesses don’t have any kind of insurance to cover their operations. Being covered by insurance is not just paying money in the event that something happens. It’s essentially protecting your assets and everything else that you worked hard for. Should an adverse situation happen in your life, you know that you won’t financially suffer as much because your insurance policies have got you covered.

Professionals the world over, need insurance before they can join any professional organization, and the same should go for businesspeople. Today, there are many insurance products that are available in the market to purchase. Let’s take a look at one of the least discussed ones: construction insurance.

Construction insurance represents a specific type of insurance that businesses may look into. A company might need health insurance for its workers, but might also be looking into sourcing Edmonton car insurance quotes, for example. Construction insurance attempts to offer an insurance solution that can cover the entire company and its individual parts under a specific policy.

That said, learn more about construction insurance by reading through below.

What Exactly Is Construction Insurance?

According to The Balance, construction insurance can offer coverage for several potential areas pertinent to industrial businesses, from employees, material, and even natural disasters as well as risks undertaken for a particular job and also the entire business itself. Construction insurance isn’t a single term that refers to an individual policy, but to a classification of insurance products that are tailored to the construction industry and aim to offer coverage for anything that a builder or construction engineering company may require. Among the most common insurance policies that fall under construction insurance is Contractors’ All Risk (CAR) insurance. Investopedia notes that CAR covers third-party injury or damage claims as well as property damage, two of the most common hazards for construction companies.

What Benefits Does Construction Insurance Offer?

We can think about construction insurance as a package deal, where each policy contained in the package can be bought separately. While this is possible, the package deal system has the bonus that all package deals usually offer – each policy is cheaper when bought together.

Construction insurance, despite its name, isn’t just geared towards companies that deal solely with insurance either. Because of the coverage offered, most companies can benefit from using this type of policy to cover their daily operations. Even so, it’s unlikely that construction insurance would fit every single sort of industrial business.

Taking a look at the individual policies contained under the policy offering can help the decision in choosing a particular insurance policy or not for business use. For instance, there may be some times of insurance policy that’ll need a performance bond for its execution. Find more information about that here.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Construction Insurance Policies?

There are also many different kinds of construction insurance policies that one can avail of. Generally, this choice would depend on one’s needs.

Some of these kinds include:

The Commercial General Liability Policy: This is a third-party policy aimed at giving legal defense and coverage, in case you’re sued, or if there’s a claim made against you by a third-party.

The Pollution Policies: These are used to cover mold and other sources of pollution in the construction industry.

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance: This type of construction insurance is helpful when an accident to employees will happen.

Customizing Insurance To Suit Needs.

While construction insurance does cover a broad category of risk, there are specific coverages that this sort of policy doesn’t offer but that a business may require. Each insurer has its policies regarding add-on policies, and if a company is already covered with a particular insurer, it’s very likely that they will offer better rates for any add-on policies the company decides to add. Vehicle insurance is one option that doesn’t come with the standard construction insurance but may be useful if the company has branded vehicles that are used in their daily fieldwork. Drivers would be covered under the construction insurance heading, but the cars or trucks themselves may not be. The only way to be sure of what is included and what isn’t is to discuss it with the insurer directly.

A Necessary Business Expense.

As Chron notes, disaster could hit a business at any moment and there is absolutely no excuse for being unprepared. With the wide variety of insurance options available to businesses today as well as the ease of customization of policies that most companies offer, there is no reason why a business should be without it. Owners should be aware of how important having insurance is in every aspect of their business, but sadly, a lot of owners tend to discount this sort of expense as unnecessary. It’s only when something happens that requires them to have a policy that they realize the necessity of the money spent in keeping it going. Any responsible business owner knows that insurance could mean the difference between surviving an unforeseen accident and shuttering because of something that could have been easily avoided with a simple construction insurance policy.

Final Word. 

Of the many types of insurance that you can ever choose, construction insurance isn’t necessarily one of your priorities. Understandably since one doesn’t go through construction needs regularly in their life. Henceforth, not a lot are willing to go through this added expense of paying for an insurance policy that they won’t even get to use regularly.

But, in reading through this article, perhaps you now have more insights as to why construction insurance is, in fact, beneficial for you. This still boils down on the very fact that accidents and disasters are uncertain. Especially for business owners, when this strikes, you’ll want that umbrella of protection just in case construction needs will have to be undertaken.

For you to maximize all the payments that you’re making, ensure that you’re working with nothing less than the best insurance providers.