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Have You Got What It Takes? 5 Things All Startups Need To Succeed


Starting your own business from scratch is a rollercoaster of emotions. But do you have what it takes to succeed? When you’re in the early stages of a startup there are certain things that you’re going to need to make everything run a little smoother and to make sure that you’re in control – even when things don’t go to plan! 

So, what are the keys to a successful start-up? Read on to find out.

The funds.

It goes without saying of course. But you’re going to need some significant financial backing if you’re going to make it past the starting post. You’re going to need funds to cover all your initial purchases, from all your technology and software – check out this MLA citation generator from scribbr.com if you’re looking for the latest in writing software – to the purchase of products, marketing and your premises. Your initial start up fund should also cover the time it takes for you to start earning money. So make sure you’ve budgeted correctly and follow you financial plans. Speaking of plans…

A business plan.

No business start up will fly without one. This is where your business strategy can shine, and your numbers will reflect your meticulous planning. The world of business and the field that you’re hoping to specialise in, will always be changing and your business plan should be able to develop alongside it. As your business grows, progresses or potentially doesn’t go where you hope it does in the first year, then you should still have a clear plan to follow. If you’re unsure of how to write a business plan then check online for some free templates to help get you started. 

A grip on their admin duties.

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a first sale or the first client you have on board, but all start-ups need to remember that during these early stages, you’re more than just the face of the business; you’re also responsible for running everything behind the scenes. That includes all the admin, the accounts, any problems with products, customers or time scales and everything else! Make lists, fill calendars, try an online assistant – anything to help you get organised and get the wheels of your business machine turning smoothly, but never compromise on quality


As a new start-up both you and your business need to be protected. And this means insurance. Insurance for accidents, theft, fire, public liability – whatever kind of insurance you might need, get it and don’t hesitate. Get yourself a policy that covers all the bases. Having insurance and the legalities in order ensures that if anything does go wrong, your hard work and reputation will still be intact.


Taking the plunge to leave your current job, become your own boss and pin all your hopes, dreams (and money) on your new business start-up takes a lot of courage. You need to be confident and self-assured that this is right for you.