Home Others 3 Ways To Think Outside The Box In Business

3 Ways To Think Outside The Box In Business


The concept of “thinking outside the box” is derided by many as a sort of meaningless business buzzphrase.

But despite what cynics may say, entrepreneurs should always seek to challenge traditional approaches in order to find new solutions that boost growth and profit – it’s a surefire way to ensure that your brand stands out from the crowd.

These three tips will push your personal and professional boundaries and encourage you to think outside the box when it comes to your business.

1. Try something new.

Experimentation is a great way to find new approaches to common issues.

Try something with your business you might never have considered before – it could be something small like a discount or promotion, or a more significant move, such as a celebratory event via Zoom that invites your customers to join you, for instance for a company anniversary.

Your first baby-step outside of the box doesn’t have to be overly adventurous – just test the waters to see what works!

2. Actively seek feedback.

Too many companies operate on guesswork when it comes to making their next move.

Unfortunately, this is not an effective way to gauge what your customers want, and leads to a “hit and miss” system where some new elements may be successful but others will miss the mark if they don’t adequately satisfy customers’ needs and interests.

This can be avoided easily by opening up communication between your business and customers! The internet offers countless ways to interact with consumers and seek feedback, meaning it’s easier than ever for your customers to share their thoughts with you, whether through social media comment sections or direct online communication.

Social media is the star of the show for obvious reasons when it comes to building customer relationships, but never underestimate the power of email. While it’s not wise to bombard your customers’ inboxes, many will appreciate an opportunity to share their thoughts following a purchase or customer service interaction. A simple ‘How did we do?’ email is a great, low-maintenance approach to this type of feedback acquisition.

Customer engagement is a great strategy for business development, as it keeps your products relevant to consumers’ needs and ensure they feel listened to. This in turn secures loyal, long-term relationships with your customers that will keep them coming back.

3. Get into networking.

Opportunities for business networking have been thin on the ground in 2020, with many physical events facing cancellation and others going virtual.

However, all is not lost and those looking to connect with other professionals still have plenty of options available.

Business networking hub Arise Innovation is a fantastic example of this. Their premises provide valuable opportunities for experts from professional and academic spheres to join forces, sharing ideas and resources and furthering business ambition.

We hope these three tips provide you with a little entrepreneurial inspiration, but remember, when it comes to thinking outside the box, there are no wrong answers!

How do you approach new challenges in business? Let us know in the comments below!