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Advantages Of Business Text Messaging


We tend to associate text messaging with a way of communicating with friends and family. However, it can also be an invaluable tool within the business environment.

When effectively utilized, sending a text message can really speed up and revolutionize the way in which colleagues contact each other and get business done.

In this guide, we’re going to take a closer look at business text messaging and highlight why it needs to become part of your business’s communication strategy.

Save Time and Money

One of the advantages of business text messaging is that it saves time and money. In modern times, communication has become extremely important in the workplace. Oral communication requires a face-to-face meeting or phone call, but with mobile devices being so widespread, many people have begun to communicate through text messages instead. Some companies have even noticed a decrease in office chatter via telephone or email since mobile communication became so popular. 

Increased Security

Another advantage of business text messaging is that it provides a higher level of security than most other forms of communication since only the sender’s and recipient’s cell phones are involved in the process. 

Easy to Forward Messages

In addition, texts can be quickly transferred from one device to another without losing data quality. In contrast, when sharing an email, the message can become compromised during the process, giving a poor impression to clients and slowing down the business.

Accessible and Immediate

People are using their cell phones more often than ever before. Business text messaging then provides an excellent way to keep in touch with clients and employees. After all, everyone has their mobile phone with them pretty much night and day! Don’t forget, though, to check any local legal restrictions regarding who you can send unsolicited messages to and during what time scale. And of course, your team also needs some downtime too.

Businesses can also use texts as a means to send important alerts about upcoming meetings or other events, especially if time is tight and you need people to have an update as soon as possible. 

With telephone numbers being used less often for personal communication nowadays, many businesses save money by only providing their clients with a mobile number instead of giving them both home and mobile options. Allowing clients to contact them via text is also more convenient for them since they don’t have to go out of their way to call or email the company unless it’s actually necessary.

Additional Method of Marketing Comms

Businesses can also benefit from marketing with business text messaging, which provides a personalized touch that other forms of advertising do not have. You could send promotional discounts and other coupons directly to your customers’ phones, making it incredibly easy for them to use without needing to print anything out or carry around paper coupons. 

Mobile users receive information at any time and can readily take action on it (including calling, visiting the establishment’s webpage, or downloading an application). In contrast, when someone receives an advertisement in their mailbox or inbox, they might never check it simply because they don’t want to go out of their way to do so, or it ends up in their spam folder.

Personalize Customer Communication

Businesses can also benefit from business text messaging in their efforts to make customer service more personal and convenient. They can receive feedback directly from their customers, which helps them to provide better services in the future. 

Multi-Tasking Opportunities

Have you sat in reception waiting to go into an appointment needing to get in touch with someone but reluctant to make a call? Maybe you’re on the train traveling home? While you could argue that you could make a phone call in either of those situations, there’s the real potential for it to be intrusive to those around you. 

However, sending a text to a client or a colleague is subtle and unlikely to disturb anyone else.

Messaging is Faster

When you try to make a call to the client, they might already be on the phone, or you may get stuck at the switchboard level, unable to be out through to your contact. A text message is easy to send directly to the right person, and unlike an email, the recipient will look at it; after all, who can avoid looking at their phone when it beeps!

Additional speed comes from the brevity of the text. There’s no room for lots of chit-chat before getting to the point because you then run the risk of sending multiple messages. The whole essence of the text is to be brief and to the point, and that becomes a huge time saver!