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Surround Yourself With Climbers


by Geraldine Mair, author of “Choose to Climb – Reaching Your Personal Summit: A Reference Manual For Life’s Challenges With 100 Inspirational Passages Of Clarity, Strategy And Direction

It does not matter who you are, where you come from or any historical beliefs that make you feel less in this moment. You’ll find the capacity to triumph when you surround yourself with those who believe there is enough for everybody and take enormous pleasure in celebrating those wins with fervour.

The individuals that you spend most of your time with can either help you to realise an exceptional life or will assist in repetitive cycles that interrupt that growth. Seek out connections that challenge you to be better, not ones whose only goal is to persuade you to give up on dreams that they do not understand. Climbing to a summit is not on their cards for the work and discipline required to get them there involves too much effort and time. Your heart, your dreams and your passions can create a new reality that didn’t exist before; you will know this instinctively because you will feel that internal tug inside of you, willing you to be better.

Understand that energies are contagious so choose to immerse yourself with those people you wish to catch it from, follow that calling and do not become the casualty of an expensive lesson that can rob you of your future; there are way too many people who leave this place with their hopes still inside of them because they allowed the doubts of others to penetrate deep into their own minds, which ultimately influenced their decisions. When you stop believing in yourself you create the platform to follow someone else’s idea of who you should be instead.

Fear is something that many people struggle with every day and because of this it becomes challenging for most to address the problems that accompany it. However, for those willing to become proactive this can generate the dais necessary to overcome it.

In order to create equilibrium in all areas of life for the individual to thrive, it is imperative that all aspects of life must be in balance (love and connection, certainty, variety, growth, contribution and significance.) Success must be created from a place of wholeness and not from one that carries with it a lifetime of limiting beliefs or self- sabotaging thoughts from the past. There isn’t a career you cannot navigate effectively and efficiently at the highest levels, for when you cultivate self-belief and self-worth in your own aptitude, all your desires obtain the potential to fly. A new beginning can be just around the corner on the horizon, it takes courage to take a risk when you feel in your gut that it’s the right thing to do.

Making a continuous declaration to yourself through affirmations, produces new trains of thought and has the potential to create a victory mindset. Your-self talk is the very thing that is cultivating your belief system, and this is what will ultimately produce what you see in the natural world. If you try anything and it doesn’t turn out as you thought, you can feel defeated in your own head, if you allow this to take root you will become defeated in life, in comparison though, when you believe you have the capacity to become a frontrunner then your success becomes inevitable, it’s all about perceptions. Don’t leave this world with all your magic still inside of you, take a chance on you and see how far you can go.

A single lifetime if devoted to the right purpose harnesses the power to create your own destiny, do not stand still you must step out with an adventurous soul and a willing mind to embrace new things, if you are to attain any kind of ambition, you must trust that diligence in all of your acts, will ensure that you will never be thought of as a person of ordinary stature again. You always become where your energy goes, so make sure you are directing it towards a higher calling, one that has the potential to take you to greater heights, if you wish to go

beyond your summit in this life then you will need to be prepared to do what no one else will. Love your own journey enough to want to participate in the creation of it, regardless of any perceived hurdles, challenges or other people’s opinions, take a risk and choose to climb into your full potential. It’s yours for the taking. Can you see it?

Challenges and opposition will cause no worry for me, in the face of defeat I choose to climb out from beneath the depths of that state. Each time I fall I will get up because I am strong and capable. My aim will only be towards triumph and in doing so I overcome my fears and rise to victory.

I choose to lead by example and anyone that wishes to follow the lessons I teach, I do so only in the knowledge that my duty will be in revealing the greatness within them. I offer all that I know with only a desire to encourage the change for that shift to take place.

The winds of chance pass in the course of life in many ways including yours, so get ready to claim what was always intended for you and choose to climb.


Geraldine Mair is a fully qualified Complimentary Therapist with diplomas in counselling and psychology. She specialises in injury prevention and stress management via talking therapies, massage and guided meditation. She is the author of”Choose to Climb – Reaching Your Personal Summit: A Reference Manual For Life’s Challenges With 100 Inspirational Passages Of Clarity, Strategy And Direction“. She and her husband Derek also run Summit Club online, a community of like- minded people who connect once a month for personal development networking.