
3 Ways To Reignite Your Passion When You’ve Lost Motivation

If you find yourself frustrated, stressed, and feeling the effects of burn-out – it's time to regain the excitement and motivation that once energized you.

Do you find it gratifying to lead large projects or find solutions to difficult problems? What about tackling a personal challenge?

If so, you probably create a plan with goals, objectives, timelines, and milestones. Excited and energized you jump in – laser-focused on the outcome. You convince yourself that staying on task will bring inevitable success.

Then, eventually, as you work toward your goals, you see the light at the end of the tunnel. A commonly used phrase that marks the end of a difficult situation, task, or problem. However, more times than not you will encounter unexpected roadblocks that pop-up, seemingly, out of nowhere. All of a sudden your time and energy are spent putting out fires.

At this point, like many entrepreneurs, you find yourself frustrated, stressed, and feeling the effects of burn-out. You wake up in the morning, and dread has replaced the excitement that once energized you.

So, what can you do to rebuild momentum and move towards success? Here are three easy steps to reignite your efforts.


1. Step out to step back in

Revisiting your “why,” is a great way to regain momentum. Take the time to remind yourself of the purpose and beliefs driving the original plans. This can help to eliminate tunnel vision that may delay or derail your project. It also forces you to take a good look at the impact of many variables that have occurred since the onset of the project.

  • Re-examine the intention or motive for the creation of your project/task. Have changes in the environment made an impact?
  • Revisit initial assumptions and embrace new ways of looking at the same project or problem. For example, do we need to bring in fresh ideas to drive creativity and innovation?
  • Review your course corrections. Is there a pattern to their occurrences? What were the results? How did they affect the overall outcome of the project or task? Take the time to shed light on the situation. This approach provides an opportunity to pivot while still focusing on what needs to be done to achieve your desired outcome.


2. Replace distractions with winning actions

Overcoming distractions is never an easy thing to do. It’s how you manage the distraction that matters. Will you tend to it or get back to it later.

Photo: Martin Péchy, Pexels
Photo: Martin Péchy, YFS Magazine

Here is a simple methodology that can help you recognize and manage your distractions. As you list your distractions don’t rationalize. Instead, be creative and positive. Take consistent action as you move forward to accomplish your goals. Here are two examples.


  • Distraction: Social media
  • Behavior Impact: It offers new ways to communicate with one another. Provides instant gratification. It can break concentration and take time away from tasks at hand.
  • New action: Allocate specific time and time slots for social media. Then get back on task.


  • Distraction: Procrastination
  • Behavior Impact: The task at hands is overwhelming and unmotivating.
  • New action: Create an action plan with motivating rewards. Take small and incremental action steps.


3. Refresh and renew

Take time for yourself. It is easy to get caught up in your project, and spend all of your work and personal time on it. The consequences of such a rigorous schedule can outweigh the benefits by negatively impacting your health and well-being. If your wellness is compromised, so is your productivity. This is the opposite of what you want to accomplish.

Consider the following approaches:

  • Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness, according to the American Psychological Association (APA.org, 2012), is: “…a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment. In this sense, mindfulness is a state and not a trait. While it might be promoted by certain practices or activities, such as meditation, it is not equivalent to or synonymous with them.” Mindfulness can help you remain present and devote your full attention to “now.” One benefit is to slow down and become aware of yourself and your surroundings. There are various approaches, apps, and exercises available to practice mindfulness. Meditation is one popular way to practice mindfulness.
  • Recharge your batteries. Pause to rest and take much-needed breaks. “It” will still be there tomorrow.
  • Create a “What I like” or “What makes me happy” list. Recognizing what makes you smile, brings contentment, or even a respite can be just what you need to keep your momentum going.


Dahlia Castro-Smith, cofounder of CSRH Consulting, LLC, is a trained Executive & Leadership Coach, guiding emerging and senior leaders from Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, political offices, educational organizations, financial institutions, and entrepreneurial businesses. A former executive for a Fortune 500 entertainment/media company, she has coached leaders to lead with self-discovery, influence, and impact. Seated at the table of several Management teams, Dahlia brings her business and strategic acumen in management and process improvement to help her clients meet their challenges with clarity, intention, and resilience. Visit csrhconsulting.com to learn more.


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