Home Others Email vs. Push Notification – Which One’s Better For Your Business Growth?

Email vs. Push Notification – Which One’s Better For Your Business Growth?


One of the biggest challenges a marketer experiences is deciding the best digital marketing channel to engage with their users. One must decide which channel to use to reach customer and win their attention. As opposed to traditional way of reaching to customers via email only, there are now more advanced ways to keep in touch with users, one of which is push notification. Push notifications is a message that shows on the top of the browser screen of website and users can opt-in. Email is still what most e-commerce businesses use, but it has its downsides.

Let’s find out whether email is better for your business growth than push notification or if it’s vice versa.

Push Notifications Have One Click Subscription.

Opting in is simpler for Push Notifications than email. The first time a visitor checks on your site they get an “Allow” prompt to be among your subscribers, and they start to receive notifications from your website on the browser and desktop.

For emails, users will be required to send their email IDs or perhaps their contact numbers. Some users might share fake email IDs (if your system isn’t setup for double opt-in), and you might have to filter and sought them out which will create hassle on itself. However, push notification is quick and more effective.

Emails Are Longer Than Push Notifications.

One of the noticeable differences between email and push notifications is the length, and it plays a very vital role in your business. Emails can be long but push messages can only contain about 50 characters or less.

You surely don’t want to take much time of your customer as it gets them awry. Whereas with browser push notification you can share a short & precise message with them. Most users don’t want long push notifications. They just want them short, and straight to the point. And maybe that is why twitter is doing so well!

Both Push Notifications And Email Attract Customers.

Many products gets away without being noticed by users. Sometimes a great deal gets missed by potential customers. However, a browser push notification will help you spread the word to the customers.

Though, it is advisable for sellers to use both emails and push notification to increase sales.

Smartphone Push Notifications Are Intimate.

Marketers know that they can be more intimate with their customers on a web browser. Push notifications are more intimate than emails in many ways. Whenever users are in their bed nervous or curious, they relieve themselves with their smartphones.

Asking for the attention of a user is personal and requires a better approach. Using an email is like being outside the house ringing the doorbell, while push notification is like entering their bedroom and saying “Hi, I’m here! We are all alone. Can you see this?”

You Can Use Email To Reach Customers Who Abandoned Cart.

There are some instances where a customer visits your website, adds products on cart and then fails to complete the purchase. The seller can send direct email to the customer to let them know that the product is still available.

The seller can also offer a few coupons and introduce new offers to attract them. For those who didn’t fill all their details, push notifications will show them the available offers.

Push Notification Have A Higher Click Through Rate.

Not many people can ignore a push notification. They are so eye-catchy that users click them the moment they pop on their screen. Whereas emails might not get the attention, you expect, or they might be ending in the user’s spam.

Emails rely on notifications to notify the user there is something unread.

So, Which One Is Better?

Your guess is as good as mine. Push notification is better, but you can also use email if possible. Some marketers use push notification to re-engage their users, but it can also be used to send alerts for sales or product updates. Push notifications and emails have a few similarities, but for the most part, push notification shines.


Your goal is to ensure that you reach as many users as possible, make them react positively and click your links or buy your products. As mentioned before, you can use both of them, but if you have to rely more on one, it better be push notification.