Home Others 5 Ways To Earn Better ROI From Email

5 Ways To Earn Better ROI From Email


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When it comes to implementing a marketing tactic for your business, most companies today are sticking to those that involve digital. This is smart, but what companies need to realize is that digital goes beyond websites and social media. It also includes email marketing.

Some companies opt to forgo email marketing because they don’t want to be considered spam mail or flood their customers’/clients’ inboxes with advertisements.

However, implementing an email marketing campaign doesn’t have to be a flood of unopened garbage. Instead, you can use it to your advantage. Check out the following five ways you can earn better ROI from email:

1. Use a targeted list.

There are email lists, and then there are targeted email lists. If you truly want to capture an audience and increase your return on investment, then you need to opt for the targeted list instead of one you simply created on your own. A targeted list involves the email addresses of customers/clients, but they are separated by certain demographics and interests. For example, if you have a great email that would resonate well with women aged 24-30, then you need to send that email to a list that only contains women ages 24-30. This will increase your ROI. Targeted lists can be deployed as remarketing or custom audiences across various social networks and ad exchanges too, which make them even more beneficial to your company’s bottom line.

2. It’s all about the subject line.

Chances are you get a lot of emails yourself. Think about the ones you open first or are attracted to. Think about those subject lines. Obviously, there is something in there that is compelling you to open it. Having a unique and customer-focused subject line is imperative to whether or not your emails are opened. Learning how to write a great subject line will help ensure you see some good ROI. You can do a few different tests and see which subject line was the most beneficial, then you can use that information when crafting your next email.

3. Reward loyalty.

The best way to increase your ROI is to continue attracting and retaining your most popular customers. Make sure that you provide some type of incentive to the customers that are constantly opening your emails (and even using the call to action). The Pavlov effect will kick in, and your customers will start to realize that they will likely earn something by checking out what it is you have to say. 

4. Time your offers.

You need to think about the time, and then create your offers based on that. For example, sending out a Christmas email in April isn’t going to do you any good. Not only should you think about the season, but you should also think about your customers and their needs. For example, if you sell a product that constantly needs to be replaced, such as batteries for a fire alarm, target your list and send a “reminder” email to your customers who purchased a fire alarm one year ago that they should change their batteries. Your customers will appreciate your intuitiveness, and you’ll likely see some major increases in ROI. 

5. Think mobile.

Most of today’s consumers are not sitting at a computer when reading emails. Instead, they’re doing so while on the go using a smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device. Make sure that your emails are equipped to be read and used on a mobile platform. If the content doesn’t load, or if it’s too hard to read, then your customers will either leave and never go back or delete it altogether.