Home Others Guiding Principles And Benefits Of Case Management Solutions In The Field

Guiding Principles And Benefits Of Case Management Solutions In The Field


Within the human and health services sector, case management solutions are a necessary specialty practice. Companies such as Mitratech* help businesses stay legally compliant and work towards being more efficient and productive within their organization.

Below are some of the benefits and guiding principles that surround case management.

Specialty Practice.

Anyone who is involved in healthcare, whether directly or indirectly, can benefit from the ability of healthcare professionals efficiently managing and executing a client’s care. This is especially true for any organization’s caseworkers. Case management is not its own profession. Instead, it is a type of interdependent and cross-disciplinary specialty practice. It takes the whole team being involved to make it work effectively.

Better Client Care.

Another benefit of case management solutions is the ability for clients to receive the best care possible. The solutions offer a means for improving their wellness and overall health through advocacy, autonomy, education, communication, facilitation of service and identification of available resources. Case management is guided by a set of principles. They include beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and autonomy.

Help For All Types Of Case Managers.

Generally, case managers will come from a variety of different healthcare backgrounds. Within the health and human services sector, you will find them in social work, medicine, nursing, workers’ compensation, rehabilitation counseling and mental or behavioral health. The primary duty of the case manager is advocating for the support of each client. The managers fully understand how important it is to achieve the utmost quality of service for clients. They are committed to using the appropriate resources to empower their clients in a supportive and objective manner.

Duty To Their Clients.

The main priority of a case manager is to coordinate care for their clients. They satisfy this through centering care for them that is safe, effective, timely, efficient and equitable. The services are offered according to each client’s listed benefits as stated in their current health insurance plans. The process of case management is done in a holistic manner to address the physical, medical, financial, emotional, behavioral and psychosocial needs of each client. They will also take into account their support systems.

Case management services are best offered when there is open and honest communication among the case manager, the payor, client and support system, primary care provider and everyone else who may be involved. A good outcome will also be achieved when a client’s privacy, health and confidentiality are maintained. A good case manager will use their knowledge, skills, education, experience and competencies to effectively render services to their clients in a safe, appropriate and quality manner.

*More about the company may be found at www.mitratech.com.