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The Importance Of LinkedIn For The Marketing Of Your Company


There are companies and professionals who continue to question their presence in the largest social network of professionals … Because they do not know how to use LinkedIn.

And the fact that it is the largest professional network in the world seems not to be enough: more than 365 million professionals worldwide have their profile on LinkedIn and more than 7 million companies have their company page on Linkedin. Given these figures it is difficult not to think how can a company or professional afford the luxury of not being on and using LinkedIn?

The problem with LinkedIn is that it is not an easy-to-use network, nor is it magic. It requires knowledge, effort, time and patience. And you might need LinkedIn automation tools. Like learning to skate on ice decently or create a good team. In addition, Linkedin is usually assimilated exclusively to the job search. But nothing is further from the truth, as Linkedin is much more than a professional social network to find and find work. If used well, it is an excellent source of business, potential customers, suppliers, partners, etc.

I’m going to tell you some uses of LinkedIn so you can start practicing them. Mind you, all this requires a lot of patience and perseverance. Having a professional profile or company profile is not enough, you have to use LinkedIn practically every day. You read well, use it almost daily (not to scare you, for me it is almost enough). Some of these uses can be done with LinkedIn’s other company page from a professional profile (person), but all of them are intended to show you how to use LinkedIn:

Capture talent.

The most obvious you will tell me. True, but not for that reason we are going to leave it aside. Linkedin has the great advantage that it allows us to hit click to know and preselect the candidates we need, “gossip” the profile of the candidate we are going to interview, ask for references, etc. It has the great advantage that CVs tend to be updated and is a super database of professionals.

Communication tool.

Linkedin either through the company page or the employee profile is a perfect tool to publicize the products and/or services of a company or professional. eye! If you fall into self-sacrifice or overwhelm permanent with advertising messages. LinkedIn allows you to promote events, upload company presentations, sponsor content, advertise for segmented audiences, etc. The company page on LinkedIn is a tool to support the image of a very simple and affordable company (making the profile is completely free) and allows you to talk about products and/or services in a different way to how it is done on a web page.

Enhance internal communication.

LinkedIn allows the creation of company groups as “employee portals” that help to reinforce the feeling of belonging to the group and allow the internal knowledge that is generated to be used. In addition, the fact that employees link their profiles to the company’s website makes them feel part of it.