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Why SEO Is Important In Online Marketing?



The popularity of the internet is known to the entire world and it is said that more than 15 billion online searches take place every month. And if you are planning to start your internet marketing campaign, there is one term that you cannot ignore or skip — Search Engine Optimisation – SEO. It is indeed a buzz word and starting an online marketing campaign without knowing the heads and tails of SEO makes the concept redundant.

What Is SEO?

SEO is the art of attracting traffic from organic and natural search results conducted on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing to your website with the use of tools and strategies.

Importance of SEO.

Most online marketers do not enough about SEO and even they know, they find it tough to implement SEO into their strategies to get the results, they are looking for.

Just like advertising is important when you are launching a new product or service, in the same way SEO is needed to ensure that your website comes in the first few pages of search results. There are millions of websites on the internet and there are thousands that offer the same product or service same as yours and there are hundreds that work in the same location. To ensure that your website’s name is on the first page of search results, SEO is required.

Google and other search engines rank websites based on some complex algorithms which they use to identify which website is most relevant according to search terms internet users use. It is really important to optimise your site based on these algorithms as this will only ensure that your website has visitors.

Algorithms Used By Search Engines.

There are certain factors of your website on which these algorithms are based and they are:

  • Keyword Density: It refers to the maximum number of times a keyword can be used in your website. It is perfect to use as many times as long as it is relevant and makes sense. Overuse, however, can lead to penalties and lower rank.
  • Meta Tag: Pieces of HTML code which are sometimes used by the search engines to evaluate the value of a website’s content. Meta Tags should have keywords for better ranking but use of irrelevant keywords can make things worse.
  • Inbound Links: Links from other websites that point to your website are called inbound links. These are often used the search engines to rank websites.
  • Content: The content of a website is the most important element of it and proper, fluent, relevant, and error-free content is necessary for a good rank.

SEO is indeed a time consuming process and no matter what your business is, it is best to outsource your requirements to SEO firms. They have trained SEO professionals, copywriters, and content writers who work as a team to develop your website. They make use of strategies to ensure that your website ranks better and that you stay ahead of your competitors as far as internet marketing is concerned.