Home Others Why Women Are The Real Power Behind Social Media

[Infographic] Why Women Are The Real Power Behind Social Media


When it comes to technology, the tendency is to believe that men are likely to adopt the latest as compared to women. Well, not to rock the boat, but statistics show otherwise, especially when it comes to using social media.

Let’s take a look at some of the statistics from the United States – more women use top social media platforms than men. While 66% of men use Facebook, 76% of women do. When it comes to visual media, it’s even more stark: 33% of women use Pinterest as compared to a measly 8% of men. But it’s not just about usage, it’s about engagement – women are more likely to interact with brands on social media, such as accessing coupon offers and commenting on posts. Indeed women online consume more news on social media (58%) compared to men (42%).

Even when it comes to mobile, women are leading the charge, using smartphones and tablets for – yes, you guessed it – accessing their social media applications. 46% of women use smartphones for social media compared to 43% of men, and 32% of women use tablets for social media compared to 20% of men.

Here’s an infographic that reveals the numbers on why women are the real power behind social media:

social media sites
[Infographic credit: http://reviews.financesonline.com | Author: David Adelman | Our Pinterest]