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How 2020 Has Changed Network Management


Network management is a controlled process of administering and overall managing a company’s computer networks. It involves analyzing, checking performance, providing networks, and maintaining top-notch services through network management software. The coronavirus pandemic and technological advancements have changed network management in 2020 in many ways, making businesses change operations requiring network management.

This article looks at some of these changes and how companies can cope with them. Here are the five ways.

Reliance on software-defined perimeter technology.

The Covid-19 pandemic has made companies invest and rely on software-defined perimeter technology – SDP to secure their data against remote access and create a Zero Trust security strategy. This software-defined perimeter technology gives more efficient, effective, and secure results compared to other complex technologies. As explained by the experts at Auvik, this process enables companies to know who is accessing organizations’ networks and what they are doing. It also enables the IT department to check on potential issues on time and take action in case of BitTorrent traffic or traffic targeting a sensitive asset no one is authorized to access. Most companies will save money by adopting SDP rather than using traditional complex technologies.

Networking is being automated.

Over the years, software companies have been building automation platforms that enable companies to manage their networks better. There have been issues along the way, including cultural issues, interoperability issues, and feature parity issues, but 2020 has seen most of these issues resolved, and automation is getting realized. Most vendors will now be incorporating this automation in their platforms as a baseline to operate networks. However, this doesn’t kill the traditional network engineering but will enhance collaboration between the application and networking teams. This situation means engineers will have to retain and embrace the automation culture.

SASE supplants SD-WAN.

Many people are now working remotely to safeguard themselves against the covid-19 pandemic. This situation has led to most companies adopting a Secure access service edge – SASE network technology to keep up with the demands. This cyber-security technology combines with other security functions such as Cloud Access Security Broker and Firewall as a Service to enable network access in cloud and remote areas.

Pervasive Intelligence.

The coronavirus pandemic has taught companies many things, including being more intelligent, agile, and connected. Pervasive intelligence uses internal resources to help all employees access, assess, and implement company data to increase scale, responsiveness, and agility in carrying out their operations.

It enables organizations to use networks to facilitate human connections to upscale business operations. Other than this, pervasive intelligence helps individuals shift roles to focus on business sections that require empathy, judgment, and understanding. It helps to bring a tie between humans and technology to help individuals survive through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Better and Accurate Network planning.

The coronavirus caught many companies unprepared for specific occurrences, including a sudden surge in network demands. Most of these companies had no ways to approve or authenticate processes for employees who needed secure and remote access to the company’s network. Although things are changing for the better, companies are now getting prepared for any eventualities for current and future network operations. They are making sure they can withstand and operate normally when such happens.

The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic and improved technology has seen 2020 with improved and safer enterprise networks. Technology and processes that could have been realized years later are now being introduced to combat the pandemic’s effects.