Home Others The Inner Net

[Video] The Inner Net


Sometimes you come across a video on the Internet, talking about the Internet, that actually makes sense.

Here’s one of them – it’s a spoken word poem video production and performance by Oklahoma City-based poet David Bowden, whose style is in the tradition of Beat Poets of the 1950’s and Slam Poets of the 1980’s. In this video you’ll hear Bowden gives voice to the opportunities and dangers brought about by the Internet and technology – and juxtaposes that with real life. It’s both visually and aurally evocative – so you may want to close your eyes as you listen to Bowden’s poetry magic.

Stirring stuff indeed.

This video is presented by Scott Klososky and Future Point of View consulting based in Oklahoma City, OK. You can find out more about David Bowden and his work here (do also check out his non-profit work at Give A Goat).