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[Infographic] Basing Your Startup In Silicon Valley


So you’re looking to start up or relocating your company to the wonderful startup haven of Silicon Valley, eh? Well, finding a place in Silicon Valley to call home is not the easiest thing to do, but this infographic from Riviera Partners may help.

The California-based executive search and technical recruiting firm looked at their engineering candidate data, real estate statistics as well as compiled interesting factors about Silicon Valley’s landscape, and put together an interesting infographic with the help of Cushman & Wakefield that may help you answer the question of whereabouts in the area you should base your startup. For example, for the easiest access to talent, San Francisco and San Jose is your best bet. But if rental costs are your concern, San Jose and San Mateo are good possibilities.

I don’t know about you, given a choice I’d put mine in a place near a craft brewery. For inspiration, of course.

This infographic was first posted on Riviera Partners‘ blog.