Home Others 7 Reasons Press Releases Are Still Relevant

7 Reasons Press Releases Are Still Relevant


Press releases may have been the main thing back in the day where printing was the way to pass information and before the internet became mainstream. But, does this mean that press release is irrelevant today?

Granted in today’s era, it is simple to create a message or make a video and send it through various social media platforms. If it is something that would excite your followers, then the information can go viral within a very short time span.

Does this mean that there is no room for press releases? Quite the contrary actually. While press releases may not be as popular as in the old days, many journalists still look to them for news information. It is important to learn how to write a press release for your business and to make sure that it is not only relevant but is also about something that the general public would find exciting.

Let’s discover why press releases are still an important marketing tool today.

1. Boosting SEO.

One of the main benefits of a carefully written press release is that it can help your site rank higher on search engines. This is because you can incorporate certain keywords used by journalists and online readers to make your release easier to find.

Initially, unscrupulous individuals used press leases to rank their sites. The downside is that they used poorly written press releases which they stuffed full of keywords. Now Google’s complex algorithm can identify poor quality content and punish your site for it.

That said, done the right way, press releases can be a powerful SEO tool.

2. Grabbing Attention.

People today are bombarded by excessive information through social media and the internet. It is no wonder that online readers have short attention spans and hardly spend more time than they need on a website.

But if you think you have things tough, just consider the number of press releases that journalists have to sort through to find an exciting and newsworthy story to cover.

For your press release to be effective and grab the journalist’s attention, it is paramount that you provide quality information that is of great interest to the general public. Also, ensure that you provide information that is in the field of the journalist.

3. Has Greater Reach.

The internet has not made press releases obsolete. If anything it makes it easier to reach thousands of journalists around the world. You can do this by not only drafting a top-quality and interesting press release but also distributing it through a tool that uses multiple aggregators.

By making use of multiple professional release website, you can increase the chances of your press release catching the eye of thousands of journalists.

4. A Great Source for Content.

Thanks to the fact that press releases provide actual facts and data, they are a great source of information that can be turned into social media posts and blog posts.

Other writers and bloggers can help distribute information. This provides the press release with the exposure it requires.

Furthermore, it also increases the chances of press release reaching even more journalists.

5. Provide Facts.

Sometimes your business or company may encounter problems such as facing a lawsuit or a disagreement with a competitor. A press release offers an excellent opportunity to set the record straight and provide factual information to your customers.

It, therefore, becomes a powerful public relations tool and ensures that the business is not mistaken for certain issues or blamed wrongfully for damages. This helps clear the business name and thus maintain its customer base.

6. Online Image.

Different customers across the internet may have differing views on the products or services that you offer. While some may leave positive comments, others may have a few negative things to say about your company.

Many times, customers will get it wrong and a press release offers a perfect way to set the record straight by providing true and factual information on a product.

This helps build your business’s online image.

7. Command Respect.

Compared to other methods of promoting business such as newsletters or ads, nothing gains more respect than a press release.

There are plenty of ways on how startup businesses can benefit from a press release. Customers will likely view your business as legitimate which helps you build your business brand. Therefore, it becomes an investment in the future.

Final Thoughts.

There is often the misconception that the internet and social media have made press releases obsolete and irrelevant. However many journalists still look to press releases for their next big story. The internet can be a useful tool for getting your press lease in front of thousands of journalists.