Home Thinking Aloud 4 Ways Social Networks Can Boost A Company’s Reputation

4 Ways Social Networks Can Boost A Company’s Reputation


By Jenny Q. Ta, CEO of Sqeeqee.com and author of “Wall Street Cinderella”

social media business

For many companies, the ability to strike the right tone on social networks is a key way for managers, marketing departments, and owners to reach customers and ensure that a great reputation isn’t a company’s best kept secret.

Many economists have speculated that the future economy will be based in large part on reputation: As the Internet gives clients the opportunity to find out how a company is regarded through an online search, in other words, the business world will be more “what you know” than “who you know.” The plus-side of such an economy, however, will be that small businesses will have an edge if they are highly regarded by colleagues and customers.

Social networking can be a tricky sea to navigate, and when companies make social gaffes on popular social media sites, the results can take much effort to correct. Conversely, respectful behavior wins fans quickly.

As a successful entrepreneur, author and CEO of Sqeeqee.com, I have identified 4 easy ways social networks can boost your company’s reputation:

Great Marketing Opportunities at Low Cost: Why Choose Social Networking

Among the most revolutionary ideas to emerge in the Internet era is the concept that great opportunities can be had for free. Few advertising agencies could present the platform that social media sites can provide, and even fewer agencies could do so for free. Companies should know that wonderful opportunities in the social media sphere exist at a lower cost to marketing departments than ever.

Joining the World’s Biggest Party

On a social network, as in life, good manners are often the greatest key to success. For companies on social networks, good manners will serve as the basis for a great web presence. When companies imagine social media sites as a great party to which they’ve been invited, it becomes clear that good listening skills and kindness will win the day. Remember that anger or crudeness have no place in the social media sphere!

A New Set of Friends

As a corollary to the idea of social networks being like a get-together, it also stands as true that social media sites serve as wonderful chances to meet like-minded businesses.  By following businesses on their social media pages you will show other companies that you appreciate them.

Listen More Than You Speak

Have you ever been at a cocktail party and noticed how appreciated the good listeners in your company were? While it’s important to present your ideas and opinions in a social setting, the ability to show people that you’re a good listener is often more important than contributing a witty comment or observation. Show others on social networks that you’re listening by “liking” their comment. Customers and clients will particularly appreciate when you show them you care by listening to what they have to say.

For these reasons, linking your company’s marketing department to a social media outlet is a great way to show your clients and competitors the values your company has. When the world knows that you’re honest, trustworthy, and respectful to others, business will be better than ever. While it may be tempting to crack jokes or call out the behavior of others, a respectful and positive attitude will always be welcome on social media sites.


jenny taJenny Q. Ta is the founder and CEO of Sqeeqee, the first-of-its-kind networthing ® site.  Ta is a seasoned entrepreneur with two successful ventures to her credit, and is an author whose book, Wall Street Cinderella, will launch in 2014 detailing her escape from Vietnam during the war and her path to success from welfare to Wall Street.