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Why SEO Is Essential For Your Small Business


The idea of starting a business is exciting. However, there is usually a lot to do. For one, you need to identify a source of capital to fund your idea. Luckily for you, there are lenders like Thinking Capital who are always ready to finance lucrative ideas. Once your business has kicked off, that is where all the work starts. All business owners establish their businesses with the purpose of making profits. That may not be possible if they are not able to make sales.

It is not always an easy thing as most customers are still unaware of your product, and you are yet to earn their trust. It is for that businesses invest in marketing. Being the information age, you might be required to do things a little bit different. Traditional marketing strategies like using billboards is not what you need at the moment: SEO will do it for you. Here is why.

1. It is cost-effective.

Your business at this stage may not be able to afford extravagant marketing campaigns. The good news is that you do not have to do away with the whole idea of marketing your brand. SEO is an affordable means of reaching your target audience. As much as the results may not be immediate, it will give you a good return on investment.

If done the right way, it will deliver the right results.

2. It is measurable.

You have a business plan. As you were creating it, you must have come across something to do with having SMART goals, that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals. Your marketing strategy has a purpose: it could be creating brand awareness or increasing the conversion rate. Whichever the case, you need to be able to look back and establish the progress you have made. Unlike most marketing tools, SEO gives you the ability to measure your efforts and see to what extent they have paid off.

Being able to measure your SEO will go a long way in coming up with effective strategies and make necessary adjustments to attain your SEO objectives.

3. Building brand awareness.

As aforementioned, creating brand awareness should be your core business as a brand that has just landed in the market. Note that there is an existing competition that your target audience is already working with. Brand awareness will help you win the customers over. Brand awareness goes hand in hand with credibility.

SEO is an effective tool for that. Note that if your brand ranks top in the search engine results pages, more people get to see it. Customers tend to trust brands that appear in the top positions more than the ones appearing last in the list.

4. Increased engagement.

The best way to win your customers is by engaging them. There is no better way to do it than through SEO. If you are using TV commercials to market your brand, you will not have the chance to connect, let alone reach your target audience. The case is different with SEO. It helps brands have a one on one connection with their intended audience. Through this, brand loyalty is created.

Through engagement, the customers get the chance to spell out the challenges they are having with your products, and as a result, help you address different issues, hence customer satisfaction.

5. The world is going mobile.

People are relying on online platforms to shop for everything. That goes all the way from cars to makeup. If you do not have a website and have not employed SEO, you are missing out on a lot. Consumers will go online to do comparison shopping before buying an item from a particular merchant.

You should, therefore, make a point of having an online presence. SEO positions you to benefit from that traffic. The most exciting thing is that most shoppers use mobile devices to access websites. This means that the traffic is good as mobile devices are not limiting. One can go online at any time.

6. Increased conversions.

Remember that the goal of SEO is to increase the visibility of a brand. By so doing, more traffic is driven to a website. The traffic is potential leads, which can be converted, leading to increased sales. SEO is a long-term investment; the sales get even better as time goes by.

SEO is a force to reckon with. Renowned brands have used it and are still using it. As much as it requires hard work and consistency, the effort is always worth it. SEO is an investment that you cannot afford not to make.