Top 10 business startup ideas for 2019

business startup ideas for 2019

The business world is booming, and an increasing number of people are going into business for themselves. While we often hear about startups that become massive successes seemingly overnight, the average startup business remains owned and operated by very few people. Beginning a startup is incredibly difficult but can be a rewarding experience over time. The ultimate success of a startup business almost always relies on the product or service being sold, and the business model behind it. Regardless of how well you run a startup, businesses that provide a product or service that nobody wishes to purchase will be unsuccessful. So, what are the top ten business startup ideas for 2019?

Dog Walking

More people than ever are working either long hours or multiple jobs which means their pets are often home alone for long stretches of time. To make sure their pets get the proper exercise throughout the day, pet owners are seeking the services of a professional dog walking business. These businesses are in charge of taking the animals out on a walk, cleaning up after them and feeding them if necessary. Dog walking businesses often grow through word of mouth between fellow pet owners so if you get the opportunity to walk someone’s pets, ensure that you do everything in your power to do a great job with the hopes of this client spreading the word.

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Energy Efficiency Auditor

An energy efficiency auditor is someone who will come into someone’s home and make suggestions about potential upgrades that could be done to improve the energy efficiency of the home in order to save a client money. The auditor will sometimes also quote the homeowner on the cost to have all of these upgrades completed if the homeowner does not feel they can undertake these upgrades themselves. With a growing interest in sustainability, this type of startup is currently flourishing.

Web Designer

Brick and mortar businesses are increasingly moving a portion of their business online. Consumers have a growing demand to order something from an online business and have it delivered to their doorstep just a few short days later. In order to attract consumers to online businesses, web design must be at the forefront of every online storefront. Web designers seek to make these websites as appealing as possible and business owners will pay a premium for their services. Web designers can include things like animations from which will add a unique animation to make the website truly stand out from the competition.

Also read: Top 10 best online business ideas with a low start-up cost

Search Engine Optimization Specialist

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of organically driving more internet traffic to a particular website by properly including more frequently searched terms in the content. This is a very time-consuming process that requires the constant care of a full-time employee or service. This is large because the algorithms that search engines use to rank web pages are constantly changing. This means that although your page may be one of the top ranked websites today, it may not be a top-ranked website tomorrow. These web page rankings can largely influence the amount of traffic to a website which in turn can support sales growth. There are thousands of online businesses who could stand to benefit from an SEO specialist making it the perfect online startup company.

Landscaping Services

Many homeowners dread the idea of using some of their free time in the evenings or on weekends to do yard work. This has led these same homeowners to hire small landscaping companies to cover the upkeep of their yards. Landscaping may require an initial investment in acquiring all of the necessary equipment, but as long as you take the time to maintain the equipment, they can continue to be useful tools for years to come.

Online Tutor

In the age of the internet and high-speed connections that support the use of webcams, online tutoring has become one of the most popular startup business models. Thousands of people all over the world will pay to receive English lessons online. This could turn into a full-time startup business if enough regular tutoring clients are brought on board. A demand could be out there for tutoring in a variety of subjects, someone just needs to find them.

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Monthly Subscription Services

The idea of a monthly subscription service is very interesting for potential startups. This is because monthly subscription services can include a variety of products. The key to this type of startup is to find something that a large audience will enjoy, and then make sure there are enough variations of that product to send out a new one every month. This can include things like coffee, fashion accessories or shoes. This way, your clients can excitedly await their new package every single month.

Cleaning Services

An improving trend with today’s workforce is valuing time over possessions. This means that consumers are more willing to spend their money on services that save them time which can better be spent with friends and families. Cleaning services are a great way to save time and ensure that your home is always in tip top shape. Beginning a cleaning service involves developing a client base of customers who wish to pay for this service. When a startup cleaning business does an incredible job on a home, the client is more likely to both hire the service again as well as tell their friends and family to hire the startup company as well.

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Personal Trainer

The fitness industry is growing each and every year. To ensure that gym-goers are performing the proper exercises to meet their fitness goals and doing them safely, the services of personal trainers are in high demand. Personal trainers can even start their own business that includes everything from workout plans to diet plans to improve the health of clients.

Food Prep Services

Continuing with the theme of valuing time over money, more and more consumers are willing to hire a food preparation service. This opens the door for a perfect startup opportunity. New businesses are popping up left and right to provide food preparation services. Food preparation involves things like acquiring ingredients, chopping vegetables, and assembling casseroles which will save clients hours of time throughout the week in the kitchen. A startup like this is best served by someone with experience in the culinary field.

No matter what startup business you decide to begin in 2019, it should be noted that there is tons of hard work ahead of you. No startup, regardless of how great an idea or business model may be, will be successful without hard work and determination.

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