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How Can Working In America Benefit Your Business?


Let’s say that you’ve been running your organisation for quite a while now, and you’re looking for the opportunity to spread your wings and aim for something even bigger. If this sounds like you, and your aspiration for 2018 is to expand your business globally, then look no further than the US. Pre-existing businesses and start-ups alike will benefit greatly by taking advantage of the resources available in America, ensuring that their company expansion was the right decision to make.

Once you’ve got all of your business documents in order, and you’ve successfully applied for your ESTA via https://www.esta-visa.org.uk, America is your oyster!

Here is why you should consider working there:

The Market Is Highly Lucrative.

In terms of market strength, there’s no denying that America has the most durable of all, even pipping the likes of China to the post. If you need access to a range of different resources, America is the place to be considering that they’re currently the top importer of British goods. Of course, there are many external factors that affect the way in which businesses operate, such as Brexit, and this alone could be a huge decider for whether businesses decide to take the leap and begin working in America. If these negotiations end successfully, deals outside of Europe will turn more favourable to businesses, further encouraging the move to America, such as the pound being weak against the dollar.

Variations Within The Market.

Despite operating in the same market as businesses in the US within another country, products and services naturally differ due to differing economies and culture. As a result, moving to the US could mean that you receive an even bigger ROI due to an intrigued customer base. Particularly for organisations currently operating in the UK, American customers are almost captivating by the British business offerings, and thus easing your way into the American market should be a simple feat to achieve. With this is mind though, the product or service offered really does have to be quintessentially British or, if you operate in another country, truly bespoke, otherwise your voice will be lost among the noise of the market.

An Abundance Of Business Hubs.

The USA is the 3rd largest country in the world, not to mention that the American market will also provide you access to the 2nd largest – Canada. This fact alone shows the extensive audience that you’ll be able to market to, but that’s not all. In America, there are countless business hubs all offering innovative techniques in order to make your business a success when operating in the US. Take a look at San Francisco for example – this American city has been branded the biggest technological hub in America, with the likes of Apple operating there in order to take advantage of the resources on offer. With so many hubs around to help you get your foot in the door, you really can’t go wrong with America.

Taxation Rates.

No matter where you are in the world, you’re going to be subject to taxation rates one way or another, often was expenses that you often begrudge paying. On the contrary, while taxation rates still exist in America, the country actually pays a higher rate of corporate tax, at a rate of approximately 39%. Initially, this seems bad, but it has been announced by President Trump that he aims to significantly lower this value down to a figure between 15% and 20%, making business prospects more fruitful for organisations operating around the world.

Ultimately, as the owner of a business, you want to see an increase in ROI, as well as ensure that operating your business is as seamless as possible. It’s also vital to remember that these are only 4 reasons to operate in the US, but there are so many more benefits associated with the move, too! From Dallas to New York, and San Francisco to Seattle, the opportunities really are endless.