Want a Successful Business? Stand Out!

I talk a lot about standing out in order to have a successful business. One of the aspects of standing out includes how we distinguish ourselves from others. So here’s a question for you – what’s your costume?

Depending on who you are, you’re thinking one of three things: “Mike must really like Halloween”, “How did he find out I go to Comic-Con?”, or “Costume party? Sign me up!”. Whichever you are, that’s not exactly what I mean.

It’s important to be unique when establishing yourself as an authority in your industry. Seth Godin, Michael Gerber, Steve Jobs and many other successful entrepreneurs knew this and all developed their own style. You will notice I wear a vest (check out the most recent addition to my collection here!). This is my signature style, helps me stand out, and is a way for people to differentiate me from the crowd.

So go for it! Identify your costume and stand out!


3 thoughts on “Want a Successful Business? Stand Out!”

  1. You only mentioned men as examples. Can you give some examples of women. The only obvious one that comes to mind is Angela Merkel always wearing suits, never skirts. But as a woman I like to be feminine and also stand out / have a costume. Any idea how to do that?

  2. Signature color, accessory, or a uniform, etc?
    For example: green or shades of green, scarves or statement jewelry, your skirt and cardigan combo…

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