Home Others Avoid These Shocking Video Marketing Mistakes To See Success

Avoid These Shocking Video Marketing Mistakes To See Success


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Video marketing is one of the most useful tools businesses have at their disposal. Many brands have seen great success with ads and viral videos, so it’s natural that other companies want to get involved. But making your own videos isn’t something to rush into because you could end up making some significant mistakes. You should consider your aims and your brand carefully before you begin making any videos. If you get it wrong, you’ve wasted your time and money on a project that didn’t go anywhere. From the concept to the promotion, it’s essential that you have a clear direction.

Avoid these video marketing mistakes to improve your chances of success.

Starting without a Purpose.

What is your video for? Too many people decide that their brand needs a video because they’ve heard it’s one of the best ways to market their product. But making one just for the sake of making one is a big mistake. Just like all your other marketing and business efforts, you need to have a reason for making your video. It needs a purpose, whether it’s furthering your branding, helping you reach a new audience or launching a product. Before you begin making anything, you need to have a strategy in place, the same as you would for other marketing. You also need to have a single message, to ensure that your video is clear and concise.

Not Hiring a Professional Company.

Too many companies look at other videos and think they can make one themselves without help. Although it can be a disadvantage to get bogged down in the tech details, you also don’t want to neglect them altogether. You may think that using your iPhone to record you talking to the camera will be just as good as anything else, but it’s not. Everyone’s seen one of those awful marketing videos that go viral for all the wrong reasons. And while they might help the brand, it takes a particular kind of bad video to get people to start sharing it. If you want to make professional videos, you need to hire a video production company. They can help you every step of the way, from conception to promotion. If you choose someone who knows what they’re doing, you’re much more likely to end up with a successful video.

Forgetting About Branding.

Don’t forget to keep your brand in mind when creating the video. It’s no use having something that people love if they can’t remember what the video was for. You need to think about your branding to ensure that you mention your name and include things like your logo and website. Don’t leave it until the end to mention who you are.

Missing Out a Call to Action.

Just like with all your other marketing material, you want to use your video to get people to do something. Ending the video without prompting viewers on what to do next could mean that they just finish watching and then move onto something else. You should include a clear call to action, whether it’s visiting your website or making a phone call.

Lack of Promotion.

Some people seem to be under the misconception that people will watch their videos just because they exist. But uploading them and then sitting back to wait for people to discover them won’t work. You need to promote your videos actively if you want anyone to pay attention to them. It won’t go viral just because it’s on the internet or even because it’s a good video. One thing you need to remember is SEO, which is just as important for video marketing as it is for your other web-based activities. Use your social media and website to promote your video too.

Banking on One Successful Video.

Video marketing isn’t about making a single video and then waiting for it to have an impact. If you want to be successful in this area, you need to work at it. One video will get you started, but making more of them will keep you going. You’ll get lots of practice in if you continue to create new videos, and you might hit on one that gets incredibly popular. Don’t look at video marketing as a single exercise. You should view it as a long-term arm of your marketing strategy.

Video marketing isn’t for everyone, but for those that use it, it can be extremely useful. Put as much work into it as you would your other marketing campaigns, and you’re much more likely to see success.