10 Best Entrepreneurship Courses of 2011

In a sign that the pedagogy of entrepreneurship has arrived, Inc Magazine’s Leigh Buchanan offers a piece exploring the 10 best entrepreneurship courses in America — student entrepreneurs, pay attention. This is the leading edge and faculty, administrators, and donors should be paying attention.

The ubiquitous assertion “You can’t teach entrepreneurship” was probably accurate back when schools fielded chiefly sterile exercises in business-plan writing. But increasingly, universities are devising innovative classes that emphasize experience over study and seek teaching moments in misery, messiness, and unpredictability. Academic concepts like effectuation—which emphasizes entrepreneurial ingenuity and improvisation—and a new, dynamic approach to business modeling are among the ideas drawing professors toward a fluid style of pedagogy that feels more like life. Often it is life; students may emerge with embryonic companies in addition to their grades.

Entrepreneurship classes on the list include Technology Venturing at Ohio State University, Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship at Babson, and The Launchpad at the University of Miami.

Great overview of a variety of courses and you can check out the syllabus for each one. Yes, business planning is still the core at many schools, but times they are a changing. Professors, department chairs, deans and administrators please check out some of these courses and experiment with some of the concepts. {EDITED 20 NOVEMBER 2011}

via The 10 Best Entrepreneurship Courses of 2011.

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