Home Events & Happenings Social Business Week 2012

[Singapore] [Event] Social Business Week 2012


Hot on the heels of Social Media Week this week in Singapore is Social Business Week, which will take place next week on February 20-23, 2012.

Organized by The Grameen Creative Lab@NUS, the annual Social Business Week is structured as a series of events to inspire, connect, mentor and engage social entrepreneurs and innovators, corporate CSR partners and investors of social venture funds. This year, activities include public lectures, a forum targeting corporate leaders, and a 2-day boot camp for social entrepreneurs to develop and refine their social business plans. A highlight this year would be the participation of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, better known as the founder of Grameen Bank, who will interact with social entrepreneurs and other participants.

Social Business Week is expected to attract some 750 participants, including social entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, social venture investors, academia, civil society and youths.

You can find out more about Social Business Week 2012 here.