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How To Market Your Food Product Effectively


by Emily Smith, professional market analyst and writer for The Label Company

canned foodMaking your product stand out of the crowd is quite challenging. The challenge is more when what you are offering is a food product, as people are becoming increasingly cautious about what they are giving to their bodies. Your marketing strategies should be effective enough for your prospective customers to be interested in your food products, as well as trust them.

If you are thinking how to proceed for marketing your food products successfully, here is some help for you. This article outlines the aspects you should focus on to proceed right on the way of food product marketing:

1. Labeling.

Your prospective customer knows your food item by looking at its label. So, you can well imagine how important it is for you to design a good label for your food items. As stated by the ‘Penn State Department of Food Science’, your food item label is one of your most effective marketing tools. Your food labeling should be designed based on many factors, like the food product you are dealing with, your target audience and others. Your food label is also a great medium to convey your marketing message or a short company history.

Innova has predicted 10 food trends for the year 2015, in which the first one is, shifting from clean to clear label. Innova states that almost a quarter of beverage and food product launches make clean label claims. Food item manufacturers increasingly emphasize the naturalness and origin of their items. However, Innova realized that the term ‘natural’ lacks a clear definition, which has become a reason for rising concerns. So, specific details and more clarity should be provided in labels about the term ‘natural’.

2. Sampling.

To make consumers purchase your food items, allow them to try the items first. When people are not sure whether they would like a specific food item or not, they are less likely to purchase it, especially if the item comes at a high price. Consider setting up some sampling stations from where consumers can get your product, try it and then decide whether or not to buy. To increase sales at the time of trial, provide all essential information about products along with some special offers.

3. Recipes.

You can find out and develop recipes where your food item can be featured. Distribute these recipes in grocery stores, by mail or on your website. If you come up with seasonal recipes, you will be able to create demand for your food item throughout the year. To increase your sales, try to create several uses of your food item.

4. Cross-Promotion.

You can increase the awareness of your food item by partnering with a brand or product that is quite popular. By doing such, you can create a demand not only in the category of your product, but you may also cross-promote the item, and create its demand in another category. Design ways in which you can use your food item with other products or foods. For instance, you can market ice cream with toppings or fruit sauces.

5. Couponing.

You can effectively draw customers by offering them an attractive deal on your food product. You may offer a discount for an item, or may provide one free when a customer buys an item. These are great purchase incentives. You can distribute coupons in stores or as your loyalty program’s part. Loyalty programs provide incentives to consumers and encourage specific repeated behaviors, generally repeat buys. Couponing will also help you track how successful the promotion is, as you can count the redeemed number of coupons.

6. Social Media.

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Use of social media is an inexpensive and fast way to promote something to millions of audience. Consumers are more willing to try a food product if they have heard of it before. They are also more willing to buy an item that their friends have tried before. By using social networking sites, you can introduce your food item to certain demographic groups. Social sites can also help you create demand for your food item.

Focusing on these factors would help you carry out the marketing of your food item effectively. By designing a great food labeling and applying the above advice in your marketing strategies, you can help your food item to make its mark in the market.


Emily Smith

Emily Smith is a Marketing Strategies associate at The Label Company, a food product label manufacturer in Orange County, CA. She loves to share her thoughts on marketing with other business owners through her writing. She has strong knowledge in food labeling strategies. You can follow her on Google+.