What is the cost of customer acquisition?

That’s one metric a lot of entrepreneurs with the latest, greatest invention overlook. Just because you create a great website or product doesn’t mean people will use it. You’ve got to market it.

And Silicon Hills News, with a tech-savvy central Texas readership, is a great way to do that.

And here’s an excellent opportunity to put your Startup or established tech company front and center on the walls of central Texas’ tech community. Buy a spot on the first annual Silicon Hills News Geek calendar. If you don’t want to plop down $300 or $500 to be the featured company for a month, then you can pay as little as $75 to highlight a date on the calendar.

We’ll also take a professional shot of your company or founders in your offices or a location that you select.

We’ll be distributing 1,000 copies of the Calendar right before the holidays. So act now to ensure you get a spot!

This is going to be fun!