Home Others How To Start A T-Shirt Business From Scratch

How To Start A T-Shirt Business From Scratch


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You have seen novelty t-shirts in stores and thought that you could do that if you only had a printer and a shop. You can always think of something pithy to say and you just wish you knew how to start a t-shirt business from home.

You will be comforted to know you can actually start selling your shirts for little or no money. All you need is a computer, a website, and a great idea. There are companies that print and ship tee shirts for online t-shirt stores. They have warehouses and store many different styles and sizes of shirts.

Designing Your Shirt.

When you design your shirt, you will not only want to come up with a clever thought and an eye-catching design, you will want to think about who will buy your shirt.

Although it may be counter-intuitive, you do not want to offer your t-shirt design in too many different colors or styles. A potential customer who is drawn to your ad by a Facebook post may end up browsing through all the colors and styles and not be able to decide on one right away. They will tell themselves they will make a decision and come back to your site, but they may end up forgetting about it.

You can never go wrong with a solid black shirt. You can offer it in several different styles, but one color is enough. black is slimming and hides dirt well. Your design will actually be more distinctive if you only offer one color.

What Should My Tee Shirt Say.

The most popular and lucrative tee shirts have either funny or inspirational sayings on them. You can aim a funny shirt at either children, teens, or adults. It is probably best to keep the t-shirt G-rated.

Although you can put anything on a t-shirt, some platforms will not want to display something that they find controversial or crude.

You always want to focus in on a very specific potential customer base when you design your shirt. Some of the most successful shirt designs will commemorate a favorite television show, movie, or book.

You may have noticed recent tee shirts promoting the show, “Friends.” Although the movie “Napolean Dynomite” was just a small independent film, its “Vote for Pedro” T-shirt was one of the most popular shirts of all time.

Having an interesting design helps as well. The Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon T-shirt was very popular as was the Rolling Stones “lick” shirt which featured a tongue.

Where to Advertise Your Shirts.

You may have a great looking website, but if you want to get people to visit that site you will have to advertise. You do not need any money to do this.

Be sure to post your site on social media. You can use your own Facebook page, but you should also join groups that may contain potential buyers. If your shirt is aimed at moms, join a group for moms. If it is political, join a group that has the same philosophy expressed on the shirt.

Now is the perfect time to start your online business. We all have more time on our hands to create and shop.

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