Home Others Building Online Credibility With These 4 Tips

Building Online Credibility With These 4 Tips


Credibility is important in the business world, especially in service-based businesses. Consumers trust credible professionals over someone that they’ve never heard of before.

And businesses can help build their online credibility in several ways.

1. Start With Proof on Your Website.

Your website is an asset that you own, and this means that you have full control over what’s posted on the site.  This is why you’ll find lawyers posting their settlement amounts and testimonials from clients.

Landscapers will show before and after pictures of their work.

News about the company will also add credibility, such as news about a new local sponsorship, race the company has joined or person added to the company’s team.

These small additions can be vital to building your online credibility as a business professional.

2. Start Adding White Papers and eBooks.

People trust authors, and as a business professional, you can definitely be an author in your own field. You don’t need to go through a publisher and deal with any rejection in the process. Instead, you can create your own white papers and eBooks to share on your website.

Why should you be using this medium for building credibility?

Because 67% of people trust information they’ve heard or read from:

  • Experts
  • Academic experts

You can use a white paper or eBook to show your expertise. Now, this medium can also be used to:

  • Share on social media
  • Build an e-mail list

3. Speaking of Social Media…

Social media is too big to ignore. And if your business isn’t on social media, you’re missing a large portion of your target market. The goal is to create and use your social media accounts. But it’s not just enough to be on social media to build up your credibility.

You need to do a lot more if you want to build up your credibility than just troll on social media.

Businesses that are able to build their credibility will:

  • Post informative posts on their accounts. Lawyers can post about tips to follow when getting a divorce. Plumbers can give quality tips to stop pipes from freezing in the winter.
  • Engage with your audience, posting comments on user’s pages and answering questions that are asked.

If you remain silent on social media or use your platform to just self-promote, you’re going to fail to build your credibility.

4. Blog on Your Site and Other Publications.

Blog a lot, and you’ll be able to show your expertise. The goal isn’t just to blog to make a post – blog to educate people. A lot of businesses will write a 200-word blog post that leaves more questions than it does provide answers.

You don’t build credibility this way.

If you’re having trouble coming up with blog posts, you can ask your target audience in-person or on social media questions that can help. The questions that these individuals ask you are going to make strong blog posts.

Blog regularly, but also work to increase your reach by blogging on other platforms, too.

This means:

  • Sending blog pitches to publications in your niche
  • Networking with editors and owners

The goal is to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge on these well-established platforms that already have a large following.