Home Resources What Is The Profits Unlimited Online Course And Is It Any Good?

What Is The Profits Unlimited Online Course And Is It Any Good?


Many organised and forward thinking people are looking for ways to invest some of their earnings, maybe a little, maybe a lot, it doesn’t matter. When bank interest rates were at an all time high, some were happy enough with the returns but now with interest rates so low, more and more people are looking for other options.

Investing in stocks is a popular option as there can be a much greater potential for capital growth but for a lot of people, it can be a little understood world, there is a lot of terminology to understand and many don’t know where to begin or how even to buy a stock.

Stocks and Shares Explained.

Stock markets allow a company to essentially sell a part of their business. You can purchase a part of that business by selecting to buy a ‘share’ or multiple ‘shares’. If you feel that a company is going to be doing well, you may buy more shares and if you already have some shares and you feel that there may be a decline in the profits of that company, you may decide to sell your shares. In order to purchase the shares, you will need a ‘middle man’ known as a broker. Different brokers will have different structures but all will usually charge you some kind of fee.

The Problem.

Stocks can go up as well as down. A company may be performing incredibly well and then makes an announcement which causes the market to lose confidence, perhaps their profits has been an issue within the company that has only just come to the attention of the public. Stocks can also go up or down according to factors outwith the control of the company and global factors can impact on the stock. That is why for the ‘untrained’ investor it is impossible to make predictions about the future of any company. Even the experts cannot do that but they have a range of techniques, skills and abilities that allow them to do a much better job! If we required to have for example some dental work carried out, it would be sensible to call the expert in the field who would obviously be the dentist and similarly if we wanted to pick a good stock to invest in, it would make absolute sense to use the words and advice of an ‘expert’.

That’s where Profits Unlimited comes in.

The Program.

Profits Unlimited is a ‘newsletter’ which is produced by a team of ‘experts’ in the field of investing and edited by Paul Mampilly. Essentially you pay a subscription and for that subscription fee, you have access to a wide range of information which will provide you with ideas for investing. You will also be shown how to invest to maximise your chances of success. Essentially Paul and his team provide you with investment advice. They are not brokers and do not take your money for any kind of investment, they provide advice for you to consider and if after reading what is usually very detailed information, you would take your own decision regarding the investment. You will also receive a manual with instructions to help you use Profits Unlimited. There is also an option to access premium content too.

You would be responsible for the investment and for finding your own broker. Paul offers the following advice if you plan to find a broker online:

If you ‘Google’ ‘Stockbroker’ you will find a number of options. You can chose to minimise the commission that you want to be charged by the broker, so you could shop around for the best one. Some brokers will offer you promotions to open your account, usually cash based promotions, so you could look for that as an incentive and some brokers will offer a higher level of service and that may be an advantage for some, for example instead of using the website to buy / sell, you may be able to do that by telephone instead.

Profits Unlimited has over 130,000 subscribers.

Paul Mampilly.

Paul is an extremely successful investor and former hedge fund manager. His career began in 1991 and since that time, he has managed to build an impressive and well proven track history. He has worked on Wall Street and managed to rise through the ranks very quickly as his skill and expertise became known. Paul was head hunted throughout his career and he has managed billion dollar hedge funds, generating impressive results.

Paul is now focusing his efforts into his newsletter to help smaller investors make money from the markets. Paul has surrounded himself with a team of people with all manner of backgrounds and expertise. They come together to offer the best of advice.

Paul also has a YouTube channel which is full of helpful advice.

The ‘program’ is transparent in its aim. Profits Unlimited do not guarantee returns from the stock market, they provide advice based on their experience. No-one can guarantee a return and if you are not prepared for ups and downs then perhaps the stock market is not going to be your investment vehicle. Experts in the field do not have magic wands and cannot predict the future as many economic factors come in to influence the market. It can be easy to become carried away, so if you are a new investor, it may be an idea to set a budget and stick to that budget

Remember, investing in the stock market is not considered to be a get rich quick scheme and you should be prepared to hold your investment for the medium to long term. Stocks can go up as well as down, you can make a lot of money but handled incorrectly you can lose a lot too.

Profits Unlimited only benefit from your subscription to their newsletter, they do not have any monetary gain from your investments and would not be aware of where and when you decided to invest. Paul and his team advise that you spread your risk over multiple stock investments.