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The Best Time to Post on Social Media

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When many companies look at trying to generate as many leads as possible, a lot will first think of SEO or PPC as a means of gathering such leads or interest. This leaves many businesses not putting as much emphasis on their social media. When trying to get up and running on social media, you must try to sign up to as many platforms as possible, to ensure that you have a good presence across each platform. In doing this, you can get many benefits aside from having a general larger online presence.

Setting yourself up on many platforms can help you in the future with being able to look at your data and analytics. This can then show you who is engaging and which channel may be best for your company. For example, you may find that with a B2B software company, it would be best that they market on Linkedin, however, a clothing company may be better on Instagram.

Advantages of Social Media

A lot of businesses do not see social media as a large piece of the puzzle, most definitely if they are only at the start of their online business venture, however, this is simply not the case. Social media can be a massive help in offering you the ability to revisit those existing customers/followers and can be a great help with many other things. For instance, when setting up a site, having an established social presence can help with SEO, as it shows Google that you are indeed a legitimate business.

Overall, getting an extra channel for traffic and leads is great, and it can also help if you were to be temporarily lacking in such leads or traffic from your other channels, like your website SEO. For example, Google is continually releasing updates to its algorithm, and on top of this, your website may be out of service from things such as, unexpected hacks, hosting changeovers and more.

What Time Should You Be Posting on Social Media?

Once you have established yourself as an active business on social media, with a viable following, you may be looking for ways to improve your reach. There are many ways to do this, with one of them being optimizing your posting times. For instance, it is typically best to post on Instagram from 3-4pm, but better to post between 8-11pm on Pinterest.

Please see below an infographic which should help you to make sure you are posting at a better time:new-info


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