Home Others Three Digital Careers You Might Want To Consider

Three Digital Careers You Might Want To Consider


Little more than twenty years ago the global phenom that is Google was being born. Mobile phones were becoming common, but they certainly weren’t ubiquitous, and video shops still operated with impunity – at least one in almost every mall. The advancement of the digital era has been swift, bringing with it, wholesale changes in the way that we conduct business and in the types of jobs and careers that have suddenly become possibilities. Indeed, such has been the pace of change that the careers that today’s school-leavers might be considering, would not even have been possibilities a decade or two ago.

Here are some of these options that you might want to consider.

1. Search Engine Expert.

The art of driving traffic to a website is complicated and multi-faceted. There are a lot of elements to it and one of those, perhaps the most important of them all, is optimizing a website for search. A significant number of users arrive at a website as the result of the search and it is the job of one of the many SEO companies in Australia to ensure that the best possible optimization has been done to a site to give it a competitive advantage. There are several agencies who offer SEO as a service and it is a great area to specialise in and to make your own. Because SEO is a constantly changing thing due to the inconsistent nature of the search engine algorithms, it means that SEO experts constantly need to be at the top of their games.

2. Social Media Strategist.

Social Media is the collective terms for platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Linked-In, and Facebook. As is the case with Google, these platforms have all emerged over the last decade to become major players in the digital space. A site like Facebook is one of the biggest beneficiaries of digital advertising spend and engaging with the ready-made audiences on these platforms has become a cornerstone of any digital strategy. But mapping out the right strategy is important, and this is a specialist role – one that requires serious qualifications, and one which is increasingly becoming a career option for today’s school-leavers.


Where are things going? This is not something that is easy to fathom and certainly if you had asked most people in the mid-nineties what they thought the future would look like it may well be very different from the reality that we know today. And this is where futurists come in. They are people who study trends and statistics to paint plausible scenarios of what the future might look like. This is not necessarily a technical role, but it is a job that requires a detailed understanding of technology, of where things are in the world now and of where they might go.

A good futurist provides the data and the scenarios that others use for planning. This is not necessarily a role that you can step into an undergraduate level, but it is something that you can work towards.