“What I do”

Austin Startups
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2017


Sometimes people ask “what I do” or “how I do freelance”. This usually puts me in a weird situation where I can oversimplify things to keep the conversation moving and away from me OR share and risk sounding a little boring and self-centered. But overall, what I’m doing right now is a little unconventional, how I got here was a little unexpected, and the fact that it’s working well so far is worth a share.

An image of me speaking about Open Austin at the 2017 ATX Hack for Change

The Gist

So, long story short/TLDR, I work part-time as a contractor at an awesome data science company, Anaconda, Inc. and voluntarily lead Open Austin, a group of badass volunteers. Sometimes I do additional freelance work.

The Breakdown

At Anaconda, Inc. I’m doing design in the marketing department and some project management work for about 20 hours a week. I started at the company as a full-time designer about 2 years ago.

Snake with a briefcase. A running joke on the marketing team.

After working there for a little over a year I found myself in a position where opportunities with outside clients where interesting me and seemed abundant enough to sustain me. So I listened to podcast after podcast about being a freelancer, read up, and started doing my research for going solo. This wasn’t completely new to me though. I had dabbled in freelance work since College. This time, I was determined to be more intentional about it. And eventually, I told my manager that I was going to leave.

I caught the team a little off-guard and at a bad time (Protip: There is never a “right” time.). I liked everyone but knew there were outside opportunities for me to grow and learn.

Yet, after having lunch with my boss’ boss, I was offered a part-time contracting position within the company. I said yes. This worked out perfect and was something that I was hoping for but was too afraid to ask. It offered some stability and the flexibility I was looking for to try new things on my own.

And a little over 8 months later I can say it is working out great. My team has since hired “my replacement”. She’s another awesome designer and I work to supplement her and help with organizational task both remote and on-site. While I was doing more freelance client work for a bit, I’ve since focused more on Open Austin.

Open Austin is a volunteer groups that work on local issues to help make government work better for everyone. We host educational nights, hack nights, and participate in partner events. I lead a team of outstanding volunteers as the Brigade Captain. We are a part of a larger network of organizations under Code for America, a 501c(3) that wants to make government work in the digital age .

My start with the group was a little over 2 years ago as a member. After attending meeting after meeting, I eventually joined leadership as the Marketing Lead. I did this because I felt strongly about letting others know about the opportunities and people at Open Austin events. I used my own ignorance on the subject of “civic tech, open data, and open government” as an opportunity to learn and share. I’ve since been elected as Brigade Captain and continue to work with the team and community to make Open Austin an engaging and impactful resource.

A snippet of a recent hack event with project team Influence Texas

For now I’m spending some time organizing our events, chatting with partners, and strategizing for the year ahead and beyond with my team. I didn’t expect to end up where I am but the work I’m doing with Open Austin feels exciting. There are some great folks in the community and I’ve learned so much about Austin, community, and technology being in the group.

Why It Matters For Me to Share

This setup works great for me and I’m in a situation I never imaged to be an option. Additionally, I feel like my relationships with people at Anaconda and Open Austin have grown stronger and I’m happy. To be fully transparent, I currently don’t make as much as I used to but I can say I feel more alive. There are days where I wake up just overjoyed by my situation and the people placed in my life. Of course everything isn’t perfect. I’ll be the first to admit that. But the amazing opportunities and connections I’ve been able to make are something worth talking about for me.

It’s a little unconventional but I’m happy and can’t wait for what’s ahead.

Do you have a story of your unconventional work situation? I’d love to hear it!

I didn’t expect to be where I’m at now but I’ve enjoyed the ups and downs that got me here so far. Let me know in the comments or with your own post if you have had a similar journey!

Keep in Touch

I’ll be on a panel for Austin Design Week on “Making Design for Good a Part of Your Career”. This is part of the “Changemaker Series”, an AIGA Austin Initiative focused on bringing design for good to the community. Come out and learn a little more about just what I’m doing. RSVP on EventBrite.

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