Home Events & Happenings Social Media World Forum Asia 2011 & Apps World Asia 2011

[Singapore][Event] Social Media World Forum Asia 2011 & Apps World Asia 2011


Social Media World Forum (SMWF) Asia is back for its third edition! Organized by Bristol-based events company Six Degrees, this two-day conference and exhibition dedicated to all things social and digital media will take place in Singapore on 1st and 2nd September this year.

It’ll be two full-on conference days featuring the familiar keynote addresses, brand case studies, workshops, topical question and answer sessions and debates, as well as an exhibition featuring some of the latest solutions in the social media space. But new for this year, the organizers will be introducing panel discussion formats, tweet up panels, on-stage interviews, audience-sourcing debates and break-out group discussions, all gathered into a single platform for networking, engagement, and lots of social media debate around the latest tools, technologies, platforms, and emerging trends within the social media marketing space. And you’ll see many familiar faces from the regional social media circuit who’ll be speaking or presenting at various workshops or panels.

Check out the full agenda here.

Apps World Asia 2011

Also new for this year is the accompanying Apps World Asia 2011, where you’ll find specific tracks applicable to developers and programmers working in the web and mobile application spaces.

The exhibitions at both Social Media World Forum (SMWF) Asia 2011 and Apps World Asia 2011 are free to attend, but conferences and workshops are for paying delegates only. You can register for the events here. If you are buying the passes, use the code: YUS15 for a 15-percent discount.

We’ll see you there.


Young Upstarts is a Social Media World Forum (SMWF) Asia and Apps World Asia 2011 media partner.