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[ADV] [Singapore] [Event] Social Media And The Changing Demands of Global Consumers On The Agenda At SMWF Asia


This year’s first Keynote Panel Discussion at Social Media World Forum (SMWF) Asia will be examining the profile of consumers that can be reached via social media, both regionally and globally and how the social web is changing their attitudes

In recent years Web 2.0 has changed the way people communicate not only with each other but with companies and brands.  Social media has increased the complexity to achieve a superior customer experience and has stimulated a noticeable change in consumer behaviour and expectations.

Industry leaders Paul Papdimitriou (VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research), Thomas Crampton (Asia Pacific Director, 360 Digital Influence, Ogilvy Relations) and Takata Miyata (Executive VP of Alliance and Global, Mixi) will be discussing in depth what the modern consumer demands from brands; are they all expected  to be social?

Social media has given consumers a level of power never seen before, with complaints and feedback occurring in an entirely public space. It’s the smart brands that are harnessing this power to drive engagement withtheir business in both the B2C and B2B spaces. Time and again we see the damage that can be done by lack, or simple mismanagement of brands’presence.

The panel will also discuss true cost brands face in their drive to become part of this “free media”.

Effective social media marketing is far more complex than just being able to use Facebook or Twitter. Growing and nurturing a valuable online community costs time and money. Simply creating a space for your customers isn’t enough; staff are required to interact with users, monitor brand conversations and drive engagement.

Some of the more effective, in-depth monitoring tools can have a cost associated with them. And labouring under the misapprehension that your social media activity will be immune from advertising costs may well be a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face; if you simply build it, they may not come.

The discussion will be taking place on day one of SMWF. For more information on the agenda and how to register your place please click here.

Young Upstarts is a Social Media World Forum (SMWF) Asia and Apps World Asia 2011 media partner.