Home Products & Services Bizshark Helps You Search For Business Contacts (Or Sales Leads)

Bizshark Helps You Search For Business Contacts (Or Sales Leads)


If you’re not aware, Pasedena, California-based online business search platform Bizshark (www.bizshark.com) has a business contact search platform that helps business-to-business (B2B) sales professionals, small businesses, freelancers, journalists and others who are looking for a way to create and manage business relationships.

Bizshark has a database of around 40 million business contacts and more than 14 million company listings that are searchable by individual and company name as well as by email address. Each contact profile is categorizes by fields such as job title, department, phone number, and email information, and even includes include company revenue estimates and built-in company directories by department and geographical location. The data in Bizshark‘s database is compiled from a multitude of sources – including SEC filings, government records, public directory listings, business sites, as well as major news and social media sites – through its proprietary technologies.

“Simplicity of use and quick access are our top priorities for users,” says Bizshark’s managing director Daniel Banks. “We’re focused on helping the person who is looking for the right contact and wants to get in touch quickly. We are confident our product will make it easy for business professionals of all levels to spend less time researching and more time making deals.”

A limited version of Bizshark is available for use for free; for full access a premium subscription plan (US$19.99 per month, or US$44.85 per quarter, and provide 30 contacts per month) or enterprise subscription plan (US $39.95 per month, or US$89.95 per quarter, and provide 100 contacts per month) is required


  1. Bizshark you miscatergorized my business .Without any contact
    from Bizshark prior to posting.You only want quanity not

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