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No Visitors To Your Website? Try This Effective Website Design Strategy.


Countless websites are struggling to generate web traffic to their site. Can you imagine the number of competitors that you have to deal with to get noticed by your niche? These days, having a website isn’t enough. A website needs to have regular visitors to be considered a successful website.

The good thing is that you have different strategies that you can implement to attract visitors. From promoting your website to publishing regular content on social media, these are some of the most effective and highly suggested strategies that can generate traction and relevant traffic on your site.

However, aside from those strategies, it is essential to take a closer look at your current web design. Making the necessary changes in your web design can help boost your traffic.

Conduct A Website Audit.

The first thing that you need to do before any small or drastic change in your web design is a website audit. What’s a website audit? During the website design process, an examination is conducted to get complete oversight of the entire front-end and back-end of a site. Everything that pertains to your website’s visibility will be checked, such as your website’s loading time, mobile-friendliness, responsiveness to different devices, and possible problems in your website’s code.

The audit gives you a clear image of the website’s problem areas. And if you don’t have any plans of doing an overhaul on your website’s design, it allows you to tweak the spots that are causing issues with your website performance.

Optimize Your SEO.

Just how important is it for the website to rank? With 2.3 trillion searches annually on Google, 8 out of 10 Google users will most likely stay on the first page. Meaning, you will lose a significant amount of visitors if your website doesn’t make the first two search result pages (SERPs). With the ever fast-moving technology, some web design practices used to help you optimize your SEO, which no longer works. For example, if you are still using flash on your website, it’s time to update your design and go for the best practices HTML and CSS.

Coding is also tricky these days. Be sure to place the JavaScript and the CSS outside of the HTML document. The reason for this is that Google Spiders crawl your HTML documents. Finding the JavaScript and the CSS inside the document will only slow down the crawling process.

Maximize Design and Content.

Content is king in today’s SEO. Since Google made their update on their algorithm to rank websites based on content, it is essential to do proper planning on how you can maximize your design to accommodate content.

For example, instead of using images for text, why not tinker with the CSS and play with the image text replacement method? That allows your content to have additional content that spiders can crawl.

And when having your content on your website, be sure to use the proper heading tags. Heading tags give structure to the content, something the Google spiders look for when ranking webpages. Those with headings are usually considered more valuable and appear on the top of the search results page.

If you are running a blog, it is also good to leave room for additional or new content to add on your site’s homepage. You also want some excerpts that search engines can crawl.

Integrate an Email Marketing Campaign.

Another strategic method to increase your site’s traffic by making the necessary changes in your web design is to have an email opt-in where your visitor gets asked to leave their email. Emails have an average click-through-rate of about 2.5% and an average email open rate of about 15% to 25%. The hardest part though, is getting their email.

If you have an intuitive design and exciting content, you can use an email opt-in where they can leave their emails. It gives you the chance to send your visitors links. But as a rule of thumb, the opt-in shouldn’t hinder overall user experience. Instead, please provide them with the choice to not give their email. Also, opt-in marketing isn’t just some spammy tactic that you can use to bombard an unlucky visitor’s email. Be sure that you also provide useful and valuable content.

Mobile-Friendly Design.

Mobile traffic accounts for 50% of the world’s traffic. It means that people don’t usually wait to reach their house to read content online. Because of this, search engines no longer rank sites that don’t have a mobile-friendly design. Web designs that aren’t mobile-friendly encounter a high bounce rate. When it comes to web design, especially mobile-friendly design, R11 Solutions is the best company at it. If you are looking for the best people in the business that will guide you in the right direction and also make sure that you are making as much money as you can from your website, make sure you reach out to R11.

One of the best website strategies to encourage traffic is by providing a mobile-friendly and mobile responsive website design for your audience. It contributes to better SEO, but it also helps maintain your visitors by offering a good user experience.

Conclusion: Implement!

Traffic and web design go hand in hand. There are things you can do that can positively impact or do the complete opposite of your site’s traffic. Hopefully, with these strategies, you will be able to experience a jump in the number of monthly visitors on your website.