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Improving Your Business Blog Performance – How To Get The Most Out Of Your Content



When it comes down to it, a blog for an ecommerce business is about making money for the business. A high-performing business blog is one that leverages on best practices to deliver innumerable leads and subsequent conversions. Heightened sales for any brand is excellent; but, a top business blog goes a step further to give its audiences value. It is about giving readers niche-related solutions and guidelines to better utilize products and services offered. Essentially, there is always room for improvement for every business blog.

This article digs into some timeless guides to showcase winning ways to get the most out of your business blog content:

1. Your content is the nerve-center of your blog – make it count.

When all is said and done, readers will judge your brand by the content. A business blog is the ultimate online branding tool. In light of this, your content has to add value and solve the problems of your audience. To this end, you have to create informative content that is highly authentic and well researched, but above all it must fit your audience. Reference your content with authority sources to cement your credibility. Additionally, you have to deliver the content in an appealing manner. Give readers a reason to read on. It does not make sense to employ jargon and complicated language; demystify your brand to all people. Clear, concise, creative and even funny content will pull people in. You can find some great examples of this in action at any of the blogs listed by Smart Company in their best blog list.

2. Keep audiences on toes by posting consistently.

It is not uncommon for business blogs to go for months without a worthy update. In the ultra-competitive online world, not updating your content often will leave you in the back seat. Therefore, you have to establish a schedule and allow your readers to see this consistency. Posting content daily can prove monotonous; unless the content is brilliant. All in all, research widely in your niche and keep abreast with the trends; content is everywhere and working hard to keep your readers on toes will yield excellent results going forward. A great example of this is the Canvas Factory blog, checking the dates you’ll see consistency in their posting amounts per month and inventive article topics.

3. Track Performance to find what works best with your audience.

You should be constantly tracking the performance of your blog pieces, keeping tabs on how each new post performs with regards to your chosen metrics. Those specific metrics will be personal to your own business aims, but likely will involve lead generation and conversions. If/when you see a pattern emerge with regards to the subject matter of blog pieces which perform best, it is then time to build on that information and create more in-depth pieces on those topics.

4. Keep it professional by creating error-free content.

The content in your posts has to be meaty. Furthermore, you have to observe utmost professionalism by editing your content thoroughly. Grammar and punctuation errors can really dent your credibility. Revising your work will also help remove inaccurate information or statistics. The best way to clean up content is to have a different pair of eyes read the same. Remember, your audiences can look at your shortcomings and dismiss your brand.

5. Continually revive old content through linking.

Older content should not just gather dust in the archives. When you are writing fresh posts, you can link relevant older posts therein to attract visibility. This way, you can use this old content to explain deeper concepts. Also, have a menu of old popular posts in your business blog. Still, you can share older articles on social media platforms for a revived appeal. This effort will ensure that more people get to see your golden content as much as they discover newer posts.

6. Format your posts in an easy-to-read design.

Surprisingly enough the actual format of the business blog can make a big difference, and yet it is something that is often ignored. Format is a big topic all on its own but here are some solid rules to follow. Wordy blocks of texts are certainly not going to draw in many readers. In fact, audiences want something easy to peruse in point form so that they can decide whether or not to read on. Therefore, you can never go wrong with subheadings. Lists, bullets and short paragraphs are no longer optional; they are a must. ‘Bolding’ text for emphasis can backfire on you. Also, avoid italics because together with bold text, they spell advertisement.

Stop selling and start connecting with your audiences.

Business blogs that employ an overly ‘salesy’ tone are normally a turn-off. Instead of asking readers to buy a product after every sentence, give them helpful information about the product. Seek to connect with them and ask if they have any questions or queries. Once you have satisfied the curiosity of a reader, it is easier to bring their attention to a product or a campaign. Therefore, your promotional links and call-to-action lines should be limited to the bottom of the page. In fact, some successful business blogs do not need to ask people to buy stuff. Giving vital resources and providing targeted information to readers is enough. Remember, a blog should not be an e-commerce sales page.

Your business blog should uphold an image that is embodied by your brand. Stay vigilant and always look for catchy ways to continually improve your blog and performance thereof. Infusing a myriad of tested elements to strategically spark performance will eventually yield positively.