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New Silicon Valley Tech Company Tekion Brings Connected Digital Experience To Automotive Retail


Leading technology service provider Tekion offers its state-of-the-art cloud platform to automotive retailers with its entry into the retail sector. The company is the first and fastest Cloud-native Dealer Management Platform. For the last two years, the company has been at the forefront of the development of cutting-edge technology that will help to simplify its business applications for users. For this, it uses the most sophisticated technologies like AI/machine learning, big data and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) that includes IoT, sensors, vision, touch and voice. Through its innovative platform, Tekion is revolutionizing the automotive retail industry and offering the best of its type technology that offers seamless integration to connect consumers, dealers and OEMs like never before. 

Tekion brings to the market their dSE platform (Digital Service Experience). dSE is the sole start to finish digital technology platform for dealers and consumers that covers all aspects of service ranging from taking an appointment to paying and all else between. As per the SVP of Sales and Business Development of Tekion, Napoleon Rumteen, “Consumers are experiencing more advanced services and transactions outside the auto industry.” With Tekion’s dSE, consumers will now gain access to Amazon-type machine learning, updates in real-time, swift check-ins through a personalized interface with simple and convenient online payment modes. He further goes on to state that at the same time dealers will gain from more profitability and efficiency via the use of the platform. The mobile interface helps to lessen wait times for customers and with machine learning, the dealers get suggestions to upsell on services and parts that are of relevance and use to customers.

The board of investors that fund Tekion are among the most renowned strategic financial investment companies from the automotive and tech industries including Airbus Ventures, Alliance Ventures, AME Ventures, BMW i Ventures, Storm Ventures, Index Ventures and Exor. Tekion is extremely pleased for all the support that these Venture Companies and partners provide that help in strengthening the company’s objectives to modernize and simplify retailing in the automotive industry. 

Tekion offers a cloud-based platform providing business applications that are easy, inherent and fun to use through AI/advanced machine-based learning and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) that features sensors, IoT, touch, vision and voice). These when integrated offer a seamless, personalized experience for customers. The company’s main objective is to provide solutions and applications for OEMs of the automotive sector and dealers that are keen to revolutionize the retail experience in the automotive industry. The company was launched in the fabled Silicon Valley and has more than 150 innovators on its payroll across the world. 

The FCA has appointed Tekion as its Integrated Service Provider for the car retail industry. Getting appointed by the FCA ensures that renowned vendors distributing FCA brands now will get to use our company’s Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC) for DMS provisions to be delivered. 

Those looking for a cloud-based platform for the car industry will find ARC the best and it incorporates all aspects of a DMS. ARC steps in to improve the start-to-end process of retailing in the auto-industry that includes client experience. It is an ideal platform for retailers that helps to connect buyers, sellers and OEMs effectively. Many FCA retailers have gone ahead and substituted DMS with Tekion at the initial stage itself.

The US FCA Network Development Head, Phil Langley states that Tekion now offers vendors a new option in their quest for innovation in improving customer service and sales in the industry while living up to customer expectations.  The company’s ARC rollout developed swiftly with US retailers since it was launched in the third quarter of 2019. By October 2020, in collaboration with Advent Investment a Series C Investment plan assisted in the company valuation being pegged at $1B plus. 

ARC has been highlighted by Tekion, which incorporates all features of a Dealer Management System (DMS). A quick transition by Tekion made it possible to offer a comprehensive platform using its dSE (Digital Service Experience) in the automotive market.

Tekion’s ARC uses local cloud computing, with cutting edge technology that has brought immense improvement and modernization to the complete process of automotive retail and interaction with clients, clients and OEMs. With its open APIs, vendors can now access information to increase their knowledge base and help to provide improved customer interaction.

The founder and CEO of Tekion Jay Vijayan worked as Tesla’s CIO before launching Tekion. At his position in Tesla, he was assigned the responsibility for structuring the entire advanced data innovation system of the company. Before working with Tesla, Jay has worked with prestigious companies of the likes of Oracle and VMWare as well.